First Fifteen

It All Comes Flooding Back (Genesis 6:9-9:29)

Ron Oltmanns Season 5 Episode 11

The Great Flood and Noah’s Ark is a universal story, a familiar tale to many people regardless of their background or religion.  In the story of the Bible it is a prominent marker on the path that shows us what God is up to in the world. It also tells us a lot about humans.
In season five we're learning to listen to and pray Bible stories or narratives.  In Genesis 1-2 we heart about God creating the world in an orderly way and calling it good.  He meant for humans to rule over creation according to his goodness.  People from the beginning decided to go their own way, to know good and evil on their own apart from God's clear teaching, and that sad story gets repeated over and over through the generations with few exceptions.

In our podcast we take time to listen to God's word, reflect on it and then pray it back to God as well as carry that word with us through the rest of the day.  

The story of the Flood in Genesis 6-9 is crucial for several reasons.  Noah is one man who is righteous, and God uses him to teach us about what a covenant means and the extent he is willing to go to bring hope and second chances to a seriously broken world.  Noah is not perfect, and sin continues to trip up humans even after the flood, but God is working to bring about his plan for humans to have a relationship with him unhindered by sin.

This is one of the longest sections of scripture or readings we've ever had on our podcast.  You can also read the story yourself in Genesis 6:9-9:29 if that helps you stay alert and focused.

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We use a four step process for reading/hearing, meditating, praying and then living out scripture demonstrated here.

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