First Fifteen

How Jacob Became Israel (Genesis 32-33)

Ron Oltmanns Season 5 Episode 16

How do you deal with someone who is slippery? You're not sure you are getting the full story from them or they seem to have other motives or intentions. Some people are pretty good at plotting and planning and getting the better side of a bargain. This might even describe you!  One of those people in the Bible is a man named Jacob. Today’s episode is How Jacob became Israel.  

Season five is focused on listening to and praying Bible stories or narratives.  In our podcast we take time to listen to God's word and turn it into prayer. 

Jacob lived a life blessed by God, but he spent a lot of time and effort trying to get more.  He outmaneuvered his older brother Esau and tricked his own father Isaac all so he could have more of God's blessing.  God appeared to him in dreams and he knew from personal experience that God was looking out for his good. Yet he still grasped to get the upper hand.  After 20 years with his father in law Laban, God tells him to return to Canaan. 

Despite having great wealth and a large family, he was still afraid of his older brother Esau. Today's episode shows Jacob wrestling with his fears about Esau and his doubts about getting the full blessing from God without resorting to elaborate schemes. In Genesis 32-33, Jacob emerges with his name changed to Israel and more importantly encountering the face of God. 

Take a closer look at Genesis 32:9-12 and Jacob's prayer. In the midst of his elaborate schemes to ensure his safety from his brother Esau, he learns that God is really in control and he doesn't have to grasp or devise his own blessing.  God is working  in this and he has a better plan.    

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