First Fifteen

In the Wilderness (Numbers 14)

January 31, 2022 Ron Oltmanns Season 5 Episode 18

In the wilderness is where God leads, provides, judges and forgives. God gives the Law and tests his people in the wilderness.  After Genesis (actually Exodus 13) all of the the action in the next four books of the Torah/Pentateuch happens in the wilderness. Today’s episode is one story from the wilderness that shows God's nature, the people's failure and how to pray in the midst of this.

Season five is focused on listening to and praying Bible stories or narratives.  In our podcast we take time to listen to God's word and turn it into prayer.

Numbers 14 is our focus in this episode. It happens a year after the exodus from Egypt and right after 12 spies are sent into Canaan to prepare for taking the land. Most of them bring back a good news/bad news report that is tilted toward discouraging the people. You can read the important background in Numbers 13.   

In Numbers 14:1-19 the people complain, grumble and want to pick their own leader and head back to Egypt. Joshua and Caleb speak up and encourage faith, but the people won't hear it. God contemplates starting over with Moses, but he pleads for God to be merciful and act according to his nature. Numbers 14:18 echoes Exodus 34:6-7, which is the most quoted passage in the Old Testament.  We pray this passage and learn about how to stay faithful in the wilderness.

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We use a four step process for reading/hearing, meditating, praying and then living out scripture from Psalm 1 demonstrated here.

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