High Impact Physician

How to Make "Risky" Career Moves as a Physician (Dr. Lyle Berkowitz Part 1 & 2)

July 13, 2020 High impact Physician

Sandy and Dr. Lyle Berkowitz discuss:

  • How to try new career moves without getting stuck
  • The reasons physician start-ups fail and a path to building a successful company as a doc
  • The hardest parts of moving into a clinical executive role
  • Why healthcare needs to understand Design Thinking (with some practical examples)
  • The power of gathering insights from the front-lines
  • A method to Simplify, Automate and Delegate (SAD) clinical workflows
  • How to use Financial Incentives, Artificial Intelligence and Telehealth to scale projects quickly

Lyle Berkowitz, MD is a Physician, Informaticist, Innovator, Entrepreneur, and Telehealth Expert. Learn more about Lyle on his website www.drlyle.com.