High Impact Physician

Cancelling Christmas, Changing Careers and The Corona Care Handbook (Dr. Ann Messer)

May 17, 2021 High impact Physician

Today we have the incredible Dr. Ann Messer on the show, digging into...

  • Balancing a love of family and a love for medicine
  • Cancelling Christmas to build a clean water system in Nicaragua (and bringing the kids along)
  • Treating lines of patients in the mountains of a developing country
  • Benefits of stepping into unfamiliar situations AND THEN building up your knowledge base
  • Rebalancing your life priorities for long-term sustainability
  • Releasing The Corona Care Handbook (#1 Best Seller)
  • What is One Good Turn up to?

Download the #1 Best Seller: The Corona Care Handbook
Check out One Good Turn and Donate Here

Dr. Ann Messer is a Board Certified Family Physician and has been practicing family medicine and urgent care for 30 years. She has special expertise in Global Health. Dr. Messer is a Fulbright Specialist with the United States Department of State, teaching core clinical competency in medical education in developing countries. Dr. Messer is the Executive Director of One Good Turn, a global health nonprofit partnering with organizations worldwide to provide medical support and education to underserved communities. She has worked with neglected populations in extreme conditions around the world.