You Ain't Lion


Travis Grimes, Nathan Hale and Stephen Buckeridge Season 2 Episode 7

This week the guys finally return to their weekly podcast time of the year and got you covered on all the exciting happenings around FC Cincinnati now and in the past two weeks. Each YAL member gives their overall thoughts on the official Lucho Acosta signing and just what that means for the club and the other players. The club had two scrimmages since the last podcast and one is worth more than the other and the guys explain why. Jaap Stam made some interesting comments about current players and current needs, what does that mean for the rest of the preseason leading into match day 1? What did the guys think of the newly released MLS schedule? MVP Prediction? Those questions and more are answered on this week's edition of You Ain't Lion... oh and rants!

@TheKingAdRock73 @NinoOne @sbucks67 @crackityFC @ComeOnYouFCC @fccincinnati @Zuhause513 @MLS #AllForCincy #FCCincy #YAL #WestEndBoys