Her God Speaks

Hermeneutics Huesday 04 {context IS king, but literary context is not enough}

January 31, 2023 Aprile Sweers Season 5 Episode 8

The takeaways from this episode:

  • Literary context is essential, but literary context without deep regard for historical and cultural context  can give you a false sense of understanding what a passage means when in reality you're not being a very good "tourist" of scripture.
  • We cannot assume that our plain reading  of the text is the same as the original audiences’ plain reading of the text. What a passage means for us when we take it at face value is probably not what it meant for them when they took it at face value. 
  • Genesis 1 is a temple text.
  • We need to find scholars who are experts in historical/cultural context and we need to read what they're writing. 
  • Some of my favorites  for OT studies are are John Walton, Michael Heiser, Tremper Longman, Gordon Whenham, and Tim Mackie.
  • For NT studies, my go-to scholars are NT Wright, Michael Bird, Craig Keener, Douglas Moo, Scot McKnight, Tom Schreiner 

The Lost World of Genesis One by John Walton

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