Her God Speaks

SHE Series BONUS EPISODE with Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher

February 23, 2021 Aprile Sweers Season 2

In this bonus episode I get to interview Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher, the co-authors of my favorite book on biblical womanhood -  Worthy: A Celebration of the Value of Women. This book released not long before I started my deep-dive into researching for the SHE Bible study, and I cannot even put into words what a useful resource it has proven to be over the past year.  My motive in releasing this interview is two-fold: I want you to hear what Elyse and Eric have to say about the worth of women (it's SO GOOD, you guys!), AND I want to motivate you to get their book for your personal library because I know it will help and encourage you as much as it has me.

Purchase a copy of Worthy


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