Her God Speaks

SHE Series 04: They Knew They Were Naked {Genesis 3}

Aprile Sweers Season 2 Episode 4

What happens when a man listens to a woman? The entire world falls into ruin and chaos, or so the story goes, right?

Not exactly. While Genesis 3 has been used throughout church history to both criticize and silence women, a careful study of this passage from a whole-Bible perspective paints a much different picture. Here's a few truths we uncover in this episode:

  • Women are NOT inherently more  gullible or less capable of handling God's Word than men.
  • Women are NOT by nature temptresses.
  • The "real" sin in Genesis 3 is NOT a woman usurping a man's authority.
  • Women are NOT inherently more power-hungry and controlling. 
  • The story of Eve is NOT merely a cautionary tale.

I learned SO MUCH studying this passage, and I know you will too. Enjoy! 


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