Her God Speaks

GOD in the Psalms Series 08: I Shall Not Want {Psalm 23}

Aprile Sweers Season 3 Episode 8

Some passages are so familiar that they're in danger of becoming biblical white noise. We can quote them, sing them, and effortlessly explain them. We put them on our coffee mugs and wall plaques. They're a regular find at the local Hobby Lobby.  But just like familiarity eventually led my grandparents to  stop hearing the train that ran close to their home, our familiarity with certain passages of Scripture can cause us to lose sight of the profound nature of their message. Their beauty gets a little bit clouded by our awareness. Their meaning gets muffled by our assumption that we already know everything there is to know.

Psalm 23 is one of those passages. We love it, cherish it, recite it, and print it on our funeral programs. But when was the last time you stopped and really pondered the astonishing reality that the God of the universe - the Creator and King over all things  - cares for you and me as a shepherd cares for His sheep? When was the last time you unpacked that metaphor? Meditated on it? Personalized it? Treasured it?

That's what we  are setting out to do in this episode. We are going to stop and actually hear the train. We're going to savor afresh the anxiety-crushing truths contained in these six verses. And then we're going to take a deep breath and remind our hearts that this God is our God. 

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want..."

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