The Seamus Fox Podcast.

The Art of Becoming More Than You Are Today

February 12, 2024 Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 91
The Art of Becoming More Than You Are Today
The Seamus Fox Podcast.
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The Seamus Fox Podcast.
The Art of Becoming More Than You Are Today
Feb 12, 2024 Season 3 Episode 91
Seamus Fox

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Ever wondered why some people soar to new heights while others remain stuck in their old ways? Our latest episode is an eye-opening exploration of the impact mindsets have on shaping our lives. We dissect the stark contrasts between a fixed mindset that clings to past experiences and a growth mindset that emboldens us to venture into the unknown. Through vivid storytelling, we tap into James Clear's "Atomic Habits" to bring you actionable insights that will help realign your daily choices with the person you're striving to become. It's a transformative journey that will leave you questioning: are my actions reflecting my current self or paving the way for the future me?

Mark your calendars! We're gearing up for an electrifying event on the 28th of September at the New Ebrinton Hotel in Derry. This upcoming gathering is designed for individuals who are ready to embrace their future selves. Keep an ear out for those early bird tickets—details will be splashed across our social media and Eventbrite soon. This episode ends on a note of motivation, pushing you to reflect on your personal growth trajectory. If you're ready to shed the familiar and step into the boundless potential of tomorrow, join us at this not-to-be-missed event, and let's chart a course to a future brimming with possibilities.

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Ever wondered why some people soar to new heights while others remain stuck in their old ways? Our latest episode is an eye-opening exploration of the impact mindsets have on shaping our lives. We dissect the stark contrasts between a fixed mindset that clings to past experiences and a growth mindset that emboldens us to venture into the unknown. Through vivid storytelling, we tap into James Clear's "Atomic Habits" to bring you actionable insights that will help realign your daily choices with the person you're striving to become. It's a transformative journey that will leave you questioning: are my actions reflecting my current self or paving the way for the future me?

Mark your calendars! We're gearing up for an electrifying event on the 28th of September at the New Ebrinton Hotel in Derry. This upcoming gathering is designed for individuals who are ready to embrace their future selves. Keep an ear out for those early bird tickets—details will be splashed across our social media and Eventbrite soon. This episode ends on a note of motivation, pushing you to reflect on your personal growth trajectory. If you're ready to shed the familiar and step into the boundless potential of tomorrow, join us at this not-to-be-missed event, and let's chart a course to a future brimming with possibilities.

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Speaker 1:

Today I want to dive into the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how they ultimately shape our lives. Let's start by looking at what a fixed mindset looks like. So here's how I see it. A fixed mindset is kind of alloying our present circumstances or even our past experiences to define what you think that you're capable of achieving in the future. Maybe you had a setback in your business and now you're hesitant to take risks again, or maybe you've become so comfortable with your current routine that you're reluctant to step out of your comfort zone. So for me, this is kind of like a fixed mindset, where we repeat the same processes and we get stuck a lot of the times in the repetitive patterns and loops of what we're used to. So our identity and our potential become constrained by what we've already accomplished or what we've encountered. But on the flip side, we have a growth mindset and when I look at a growth mindset, instead of being stuck to the past or even the present, a growth mindset is really about envisioning your future shelf and letting that vision guide your actions and your decisions every single day. It's about creating a clear picture of the person that you want to become and allowing that future version of your shelf to shape your perceptions, your decisions and your actions. But here's the challenge so many of us struggle to make decisions based on our future aspirations rather than our current reality. There's a couple of reasons why. One is obviously the fixed mindset. Two is we haven't actually really created a future version. We don't really know what our goals are, we don't know what that looks like, we don't know what that feels like and we haven't created a purpose big enough to draw us towards a future version of our shelves. And like that quote says, without a vision people perish. So it's important for us to have a vision of our shelves that we want to move towards, because when we don't, it's tempting to stay stuck with familiar habits and routines, and even just repeating those same processes and patterns A lot of the times create tension. So when we stay stuck, when we're repeating the same processes over and, over and over again, then of course we're going to end up in the same position. So for me, adopting a growth mindset is really about looking at what I want to create, who I want to become. What is that vision for myself? What are the goals, what are the things that I really want to achieve and can I now start to make decisions based on that future version today? Can I now start to course correct and make intentional adjustments and kind of reframe my mind, align with what my future aspirations are, what my future goals are and what I really want to achieve? So, instead of being stuck in the past or the present circumstances, we can start to think and act from the perspective of our future shelves. So when we do this, we allow our shelves to gradually move away from old habits, old behaviours that no longer serve us, and towards the person that we aspire to become.

Speaker 1:

I want to give you a story on that that will relate to this and it's from the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you haven't read that book, I really recommend you do. I read it a few years back and it's a fantastic book, and in that book he talks about a woman who wanted to lose a hundred pound in weight and what she started to do was she started to think like the person who was a hundred pounds later in weight. So she started to become conscious of the decisions and the choices that that person would make. So she thought, well, would the hundred pound later version with the eat the cream cheese bagel or with the eat the chicken salad. Well, they'd probably eat the chicken salad. I'll choose the chicken salad With the hundred pound later version walk the work. Or where they get a taxi to work, they probably walk the work. Okay, so I'll start to walk the work. So she started to become conscious and aware of what that later version of her shelf that she wanted to become would do, the choices that they would make, the actions that they would take. And she started to do that. She started to act as if put herself into that future version, and that's what this is about.

Speaker 1:

That's the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is a lot of times keeping you stuck in the current reality, based on where you've been and what you've done, and a growth mindset is allowing your mind to open up to so much more potential that you haven't even discovered yet. And I remember some mentors in mine in the past talking about goals and goal setting, and when they talked about that they talked about well, if you set a goal and you know how to achieve it, then it's definitely too small. And sometimes, when we look at this in a growth mindset and we're trying to create that future version. It really is about stepping under your imagination. It really is about thinking about all the things that you possibly couldn't even imagine that you could achieve, and let that future version if it's linked to your values and the things that you truly want, let that form that mental picture for yourself. Let that identity now be shaped by that future version so that you can now start to make the decisions and have the actions and start to move towards what that might look like for you.

Speaker 1:

So it's not about staying stuck. In essence, it's about not doing nothing for sure or staying stagnant. It's about actively steering your life towards the direction and the growth and the possibility that's there for you. So what we need to do, then, just like that gear in the book Gotomic Habits, it's really about looking at when you're faced with a decision. Ask yourself am I thinking and acting and deciding from my present self, or am I thinking and acting and deciding based on my future self? So every choice that we make, everything that we do, is based on my current reality or is it based on where I want to be? Is it based on that future version? So are we letting the decisions and our perceptions and our actions be molded from the past, or are we letting them be molded and shaped by the future version that we're moving towards? And for me, it's never too late to adopt the growth mindset. Every single person can allow their minds to open up and start to get clearer on what it is that they really want to achieve and put the work that they actually get there. So a growth mindset is simply about charting a new course for yourself and for your life, to shape your decisions and your actions and your current reality based on where you really want to be. So what I want to leave you with is again is the decisions that I'm choosing every single day based on where I've been or where I am right now, or are they based on where I'm going and who I want to be? And can I start to now chart a new course, and course direct towards that future version of myself?

Speaker 1:

Speaking about charting a new course for your life, I want to let you know about my momentum event that is coming up later this year. So I would love you all to mark in your calendars the 28th of September, and I'd love to see you join me at the New Ebrinton Hotel here in Derry for an event that promises to be a meeting of the minds, like Noah Waller. So I have an event that I run every year called momentum. It's a one day event and it's designed to inspire, educate and empower you to take actions towards your goals, your dreams and your future self. So, whether you're an entrepreneur, a professional or just somebody that's hungry for personal growth, momentum is a fantastic event. It is your opportunity to connect with like minds, gain insights and, again, just get around the right type of people, get around that environment that can help you grow. So, again, the momentum event is not just about listening, but it's about engaging, networking, making meaningful connections that can often last a lifetime.

Speaker 1:

So, again, it's on the 28th of September at the New Ebrinton Hotel here in Derry and the tickets will be going on sale. The early birth tickets will be going on sale pretty soon. You can pay attention and watch out for all my social media sites and the tickets will be there also on event right. So, again, I would love to see you there and it is shaping up to be a fantastic, fantastic event. So, again, leaving you with this, are you moving towards that future self. Are you staying stuck repeating the same patterns over and over and over again? And if you are, is that okay for you? Okay, guys, see you in the next one. Bye.

Fixed vs Growth Mindset+
Event Announcement and Motivational Message