The Seamus Fox Podcast.

Mastering the Mind: Unleashing Success through Self-Perception

February 28, 2024 Seamus Fox Season 3 Episode 93
Mastering the Mind: Unleashing Success through Self-Perception
The Seamus Fox Podcast.
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The Seamus Fox Podcast.
Mastering the Mind: Unleashing Success through Self-Perception
Feb 28, 2024 Season 3 Episode 93
Seamus Fox

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Unlock your true potential by redefining how you perceive yourself, a transformative approach that's more than mere conjecture—it's the gateway to actualising the success you envision. This episode, inspired by Neville Goddard's 'The Power of Awareness,' promises to guide you through the journey of adopting the identity of your desired self, revealing that the secret to thriving in life and business is significantly influenced by mindset over strategy.

Embark on a personal exploration with Seamus , as we share compelling stories from coaching numerous business owners, showcasing the stark contrast between those who soar and those who falter—despite having identical resources at their disposal. We dissect the mental roadblocks like fear, limiting beliefs, and imposter syndrome that frequently stymie progress, and provide poignant insights into recalibrating your internal self-image. Prepare to elevate your standards, redefine what you believe you deserve, and step into a world where your self-worth aligns with your highest aspirations.

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Unlock your true potential by redefining how you perceive yourself, a transformative approach that's more than mere conjecture—it's the gateway to actualising the success you envision. This episode, inspired by Neville Goddard's 'The Power of Awareness,' promises to guide you through the journey of adopting the identity of your desired self, revealing that the secret to thriving in life and business is significantly influenced by mindset over strategy.

Embark on a personal exploration with Seamus , as we share compelling stories from coaching numerous business owners, showcasing the stark contrast between those who soar and those who falter—despite having identical resources at their disposal. We dissect the mental roadblocks like fear, limiting beliefs, and imposter syndrome that frequently stymie progress, and provide poignant insights into recalibrating your internal self-image. Prepare to elevate your standards, redefine what you believe you deserve, and step into a world where your self-worth aligns with your highest aspirations.

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Speaker 1:

If you would change your life. You must begin at the very source, with your own basic concept of self. Outer change becoming part of organizations, political bodies, religious bodies is not enough. The cause goes deeper. The essential change must take place in yourself, in your own concept of yourself. You must assume that you are what you want to be and continue therein, for the reality of your assumption has its been in complete independence of objective fact and will clothe itself in flesh if you persist in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Speaker 1:

That's from a fantastic book called the Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard and it's from a powerful chapter which is on really understanding how we begin to shift and change our results in life. And it really got me thinking again in terms of what really creates success. And success can come in many different forms and you have to identify what success really is for you. But success, I'm sure you've heard, is 80% mindset and 20% strategy, and I remember hearing that for the first time and thinking is that true? Is it really about how you think that will determine how successful your business is or your life is in general? And I found it to be true and let me explain.

Speaker 1:

So I've worked with and coached lots of business owners from different industries and I've seen some of those owners take action but the knowledge they gain in the practice and give fantastic results. I've also seen others with the exact same tools and know how to sit back and not get results or not get results as fast as others, or not action the steps that they've been given to get results. Why is that? How one entrepreneur or business owner thinks compared to another is slightly different. The person who doesn't take the action steps or apply the knowledge that they have been given usually has some sort of barriers in their thinking and their mindset. That can come from fears, limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, fear of judgment, conflict of values. All these different things can create glass ceilings that we constantly hit our heads against and are pursuit of growth.

Speaker 1:

So let's imagine that you have all the best strategies in the world, but you just won't implement them because the fear of being judged or the feeling of being afraid of what people will think about you, because you're now putting yourself out there more or you're making a decision best in your future or something that you really want to do, but that fear of what people will think is the thing that's actually limiting you and stunting your growth and the potential that you have, and that's why 80% of success or 90% of success again, the exact metric isn't really clear, but most people say 80% or 90% of success and let's go with that for now. For what I'm actually talking about, let's say that 80% of success is about your mindset, because if you have all of the strategies and the things that you know that you need to do, but you're not action them, then that's because there's something that's going on internal that's preventing you from actually doing that. Whereas let's say that you have cleared a lot of those limiting beliefs and the fears and the imposter syndrome, etc. And you empower yourself with a new set of beliefs and you start to create a new vision for the future, then you're going to move faster towards those results, because you'll then start to implement the strategies and the tactics and the things that you need to do in order for you to grow. So here's the thing we can all shift and change that internal thermostat or the image that we have of ourselves, how we actually see ourselves at a deeper level. How do I know? Because I've done it for myself. I'm countless other business owners and entrepreneurs and people that I've coached.

Speaker 1:

When I really began to shift and see how I see myself, I went from earning 3.1 hour as an adult in my 20s to open on multiple successful, different companies and living up to what I knew my potential really was. When I really began to shift and change how I viewed myself, my internal thermostat in terms of what I thought I was worth, what I thought I deserved, began to shift and change. Our standards begin to shift and change. And when your standards begin to shift and change, then what you were willing to accept before you're no longer willing to accept. And everybody has that internal thermostat, everybody has that internal self-image and a lot of times it takes us to actually really begin to shift and change how we view ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Shift and change the standards that we have for ourselves, shift and change what we think we are deserving of and what we think we are worth. We need to be able to do those things in order for us to break through those glass ceilings and go to different levels within ourselves and within our business and they actually really tap into and reach our true potential. That starts with creating a strong, clear vision for the future that's aligned with what you actually really truly value, because that's what really begins to set the wheels in motion for you to move towards where it is that you really want to be, because no matter what else is going on outside, it really doesn't matter unless you have got clear and you have really began to shift how you think and feel and view yourself on the inside, because it's what's going on inside that is going to again determine what we see, view, perceive and create on the outside. So our values and the image that we have of ourselves creates a filter and we filter information in and out according to what we kind of value and what we expect and what we think we deserve of ourselves. So when we really begin to shift and change how we view ourselves on the inside and we begin to raise the bar and set new standards, create a different image for ourselves, get clear on what we value, get clear on the vision that we have for ourselves and where we really want to go, then when we really start to focus on that, then the information that we focus on begins to shift and change our internal thermostat and our filter and we begin to connect with people on the outside, businesses, opportunities, other people that can help us create what it is that we want to create. We begin to raise the bar for ourselves. And when we begin to raise the bar for ourselves, we move on to a new level. We move on to a new frequency, let's say, and we begin to connect with other people who are on that same level.

Speaker 1:

And that comes down to, first and foremost, shifting how you view yourself, shifting that image that you have of yourself. We all know what that is. We all know what that feels like, we all know how we really think about ourselves at a deeper level. And a lot of times it's not the person that you portray in social media or the person that you are, even to some of your friends and family, etc. It's that internal dialogue, it's that feeling that you have when you're by yourself. It's what you do when you're by yourself, it's what you think about when you're by yourself, it's how you interpret certain situations, certain problems, etc. When you're by yourself, it's how you deal with those things. When you're by yourself, that's the person that a lot of times needs to be adjusted, shifted, changed, so that you can begin to level up, that you can begin to step forward and that you can begin to move towards where you really want to be.

Speaker 1:

And again, start with the mindset. And that's why, for me, mindset is 80% of success, because unless you begin to really do that deeper work, unless you begin to really adjust the internal game, then the external game is never going to change, because your external word is just a representation of your internal word. So in order for us to change our results externally, we have to change how we think and feel about ourselves internally. So here's what I want to ask you on ending this podcast is is that internal thermostat, that internal image of your self, or, as I talked about in my TED talk, your mental blueprint? Is your mental blueprint moving you towards where you really want to be or is it keeping you stuck? Is it keeping you stuck at the same level, repeating the same patterns over and, over and over again? And, if it is, what are you going to do to change it? When is it going to be time for you to change it? When are you going to allow yourself to step into the version of your self that you know, that you really want to be, and when are you going to allow yourself to step into the version of your self that you know that you deserve to be. So I want you to ask yourself that question Is my blueprint, is my thermostat, is it moving me towards where I really want to be, or is it keeping me stuck? And if it's keeping me stuck, when am I going to change it?

Speaker 1:

Guys, an end in the podcast. Again, what I would ask you for is if you can rate the podcast on Apple Spotify. Wherever you listen to the podcast, give it a rating, share it on your social media, share it with friends. Again, it helps me know that I'm offering value to you and helping you learn and grow by listening to my content, my podcast, and it also helps the podcast grow also. Okay, guys, see you in the next one.