From Here to There: Redefining Home

Episode 3 - Deciding Where to Move: Overview of Options

Jennifer Season 1 Episode 3

Many of our listeners have said that they’ve been thinking about making a move for years and even when they decide that their current home is no longer the best fit it can be overwhelming to think about what their next home should look like.  Over the next several episodes we will be exploring many of the options that are available and we will go through the pros and cons of each type of living choice.  This episode is a general overview of many of the options including buying a smaller house, living in an apartment, selecting a retirement community or assisted living community.  This episode will help you visualize what you like about your current living situation that you wouldn't be willing to give up in your next home.  We will also discuss who to reach out to if you want a little help navigating through your options.   

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