Grief Unfiltered

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Week; Mallory + Kobe

Season 1 Episode 20

Episode 20; This episode features Mallory who's son Kobe passed away from SIDS. Kobe was born Feb 12, 2020 and passed away earlier this year on April 7th. Mallory and I discuss the ugly journey that SIDS brings and how she has been handling grief & COVID. Mallory also discusses going back to work when customers don't know about the loss, the anxiety that comes with grief and raising kids while navigating grief. 

Resources from Mallory;

To connect with Mallory on instagram please follow / DM her at @Mal_Rose. 

Please follow @GriefUnfiltered on Instagram to connect with us; please DM or email me if you are interested in being interviewed!

*Don't forget to subscribe; new episodes premier every other Wednesday*