A Big Mouthful

Poetry, Prose,Theatre & Music

Simon Pearson Season 1 Episode 3

Continuing with the LGBTQ History Month theme, We have three incredibly interesting guests talking about queer representation in literature, the arts and music. Karen Pollock is a non binary queer fem whose pronouns are they/them. They are a psychotherapist for LGBTQ people and was the head of  equality, diversity and inclusion for Bi Pride. We talk about queer women in literature and how they are represented. Next we have Ken Jarrold who is the Chairman of a large NHS foundation Trust. Ken talks to us about the important legacy of Oscar Wilde and Oscars relevance in 2020. Our final guest is Dan Jarvis of the Green Carnation Theatre Company. We chat about their work and how important they are in giving a voice to queer people now and into the future through the productions they stage.
None of the guests know each other but the message that comes across loudly is how important it is to use history and to create history through literature and all aspect of the arts to ensure that all queer people have a voice and are represented.
Apologies are given for the length of this Podcast but there were far too many wonderful thoughts that I could not edit to 30 minutes, so you have two for the price of one.
Please email in suggestions, comments or ideas for future podcasts to abigmouthful1@gmail.com