A Big Mouthful

Black Lives Mental Health Matters

Simon Pearson Season 1 Episode 8

This episode is a companion to the last Podcast, exploring the relationship between Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicities and their mental health.
I have two very qualified black women to discuss this subject with me.
One has worked as a front line mental health social worker and is currently delivering education and training to social workers undertaking their post graduate social work masters, promoting social research and social interventions in practice. My other guest is a psychology graduate currently writing a paper looking into the mental health of people who are BAME and the current psychiatric model.

This is a very thought provoking conversation that will gives you a greater insight into the mental health needs for people of colour. I hope it drives you to seek further information to develop your understanding and awareness.

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email: abigmouthful1@gmail.com
Twitter: @MouthfulBig
Instagram: a_big_mouthful