A Big Mouthful

Ways to manage our mental health

Simon Pearson Season 1 Episode 12

We have discussed in previous podcasts specifics around Mindfulness, STOP, Anxiety and other factors of our mental health that have been impacted during covid-19 restrictions.
This episodes re visits some of those techniques and offers more ways that we can look after ourselves in practical ways that will help our psychology and in turn, our mental health.
I mention 2  organisations that could be useful to contact and 1 place for information,  they are:

CRUSE for bereavement care.
The National Helpline number is 0808 808 1677

Citizens Advice for support around debt counselling
You can find a local number for your area on their website.

Self help guides from Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust

LGBT+ Resources from Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Please contact me with any questions from the podcasts or with suggestions for future podcasts of if you would like to be a guest discussing a topic you feel deserves air time.

Email: abigmouthful1@gmail.com
Twitter: @Mouthfulbig
Instagram: a_big_mouthful
YouTube: A Big Mouthful