Humanities Matter by Brill

“Quality Education” Episode 2: Homeschooling: A Guidebook of Practices, Claims, Issues, and Implications, with Dr. Jameson Brewer

December 15, 2021 Brill Season 7 Episode 2

Over the past few years and especially now— with COVID-19-related lockdowns necessitating that families stay at home—an increasing number of parents have chosen to home-school their children. This choice stems from several reasons: political views and distrust in the education system; anxiety about their children’s safety; or simply as an expression of their right to freedom.

In the newest episode of our podcast, Quality Education, Dr. Jameson Brewer, Assistant Professor of Social Foundations of Education at the University of North Georgia and author of ‘Homeschooling: A Guidebook of Practices, Claims, Issues, and Implications’, published by Brill, talks in detail about the changing trends in home-schooling practices. His compelling evidence makes us rethink our perception of formal education and lays bare the reality of educating a child without the support of experts or an educational system.

We discuss how COVID-19, and socioeconomic, political, and racial status (among other factors), influence a parent’s decision of choosing a school for their child.

Guests: Dr. Jameson Brewer
Host: Leigh Giangreco