The Sinner and The Saint

#27 Even Jesus Did It

October 07, 2020 Melissa Bell & Allison Cain Season 2 Episode 27

Let’s be honest. Sin is fun – for a little while, anyway. Whether it’s participating in a little gossip, making decisions without including your husband, taking that item from the office they will never miss anyway, surfing a website that is “inappropriate” or indulging in one more glass of wine that puts you over the top – it can feel good and be fun for the moment, but quickly that feeling is gone and you are left only with the shame and guilt of your actions.

1 Thessalonians 5:11-25. This week we are looking at what are the last few (# 19-22) commandments/guidelines Paul lists on how to live our lives worthy of the gospel.

(20) pray for us
(21) Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. I put you under oath before the Lord to (22) have this letter read to all the brothers.