The Sinner and The Saint

Special Edition - Surviving the Holidays

Melissa Bell & Allison Cain

Oh, the holidays.

A time when family comes together to share their adoration for one another. Joyfully exchanging  gifts, putting all personal and political differences aside. 
That's not how your holidays roll?

If you spend the holiday season praying for January 2nd to come quickly, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

While Hallmark has us longing for love, peace, and hot cocoa; the Grinch has other plans for the Holidays. 

Merging family traditions

Financial Stress 


Unrealistic Expectations

Family Tensions 

And add to this year the backdrop of a pandemic

Any of these situations sound familiar? All can contribute to our holiday stress and lead to chaos and family discord – a far cry from the joy and peace advertised on TV each holiday season!

In this episode, Allison and Melissa discuss how setting healthy boundaries and expectations can bring joy and peace back into your holidays. 

When is it okay to say “No”? 

Can you really “uninvite” someone from the family gathering? 

Having the sometimes uncomfortable holiday budget discussion and so much more! 

This season kick the Grinch’s plans to the curb and recapture the joy, peace, and FUN the holidays offer.