The Sinner and The Saint

#67 Rise Up & Take the Bull by the Horns!!

Melissa Bell & Allison Cain


We can do hard things & we were made for such a time as this.
But it's easier said than done, isn't it?

If we think about things long enough, fear creeps in...fear of rejection, failure, and judgement. Before we know it we are stuck in a toxic cycle and the enemy has us sitting quietly and idly on the sidelines shaking in our boots!

It's times like these that we need to remember that in Christ we are more than conquerors.

Today we are sharing the formula for "kicking FEAR in the face"
AND we are giving YOU a permission slip.

Permission to be bold, to feel, to cry, to stand up, or to sit down and rest. Listen to the end of the podcast and download your permission slip here

That's right! Christ has overcome the world. 

No matter what you are facing today, OUR GOD IS BIGGER!

Ezra 10:4
Rise Up - from a posture of prayer
This Matter is in Your Hands - Leaders take action 
We will support you - everyone needs people
So Take Courage - Don't let fear win
and Do IT! 

A few other episodes to reference: 
#56 - Not Your Job
#61 - Faith or Fear...Which One Are You feeding?
#65 - Screw All of You