Motivational Moments with Maria

Independence Day Message

July 04, 2022 Maria Bradfield

Aloha my friends and welcome my friends to another episode of Motivational Moments with Maria. 

I am broadcasting to you from the Big Island of Hawaii and enjoying some rest and relaxation with my family.  

Today I want to emphasize to you the importance of rest and relaxation so you can re-energize, re-new, and really relax. 

When you change the scenery and your schedule to unwind a bit, your mind begins to clear the clutter and loosens the tightness in your shoulders and back.  You begin to see your surroundings through a different lens.  

You get more clarity on what’s important to you.  It is in these moments of rest and relaxation that  

you begin to see new possibilities and the most amazing ideas come to mind. 

 So my message to you this week is simple and short.   

Give the gift of rest and relaxation to yourself.  Plan something that you love to do with someone you love to be around.  Be fully present with them!   

 Enjoy your independence day. We are blessed to live in such a wonderful country and as always my friends, stay focused, stay positive, and always have fun.  ALOHA!