Motivational Moments with Maria

Time To Get Healthy

Maria Bradfield

This week’s topic was again, inspired by one of you. 

I just want to thank you again for providing feedback and suggestions. I appreciate you and I am listening. 

My goal with this podcast is to share some ideas and insights I have studied and learned to help you stay more focused, energetic, inspired, and positive so YOU can experience more fulfillment, fun and joy in all areas of you.

I am blessed to have some amazing thought leaders as coaches and as we all share information, I want to encourage you to pass on your wisdom to others.  We all need someone cheering us on and encouraging us to be better every day. This thing we call personal growth journey continues for all of us.  

This month will be just a little different.  This month I want to focus on your health.  As I said, our health is our wealth.  Every year, October is my month to re-visit my health goals, see my doctors and evaluate my exercise routine to shake it up a bit.   

It is also Breast Cancer Awareness month so I will be sharing some thoughts on this as it is near and dear to my heart.  Having survived breast cancer twice I know what it can do to your physical and mental well being.