Motivational Moments with Maria


January 02, 2023 Maria Bradfield

Welcome to the new year and another episode of Motivational Moments with Maria.  I am your high-performance Coach, Maria, and I am honored that you are listening in.  You continue to inspire me every day.  I hope you are feeling as excited and hopeful as I am for 2023.  

I took a little hiatus for a few weeks, and it was just what the doctor ordered.  We all need time for rest, reflection, and rejuvenation.  Even with the chaos of the holidays, I was able to take some time to do all three things.  Now I am back with a renewed spirit and commitment to deliver moments of motivation, inspiration, and energy.  It is always my hope that you will create more joy, fulfillment, productivity, and energy in all areas of your life. If I can impact even one of you to think, act or do something differently, then I am truly excited.  

So here we are in the New Year, and we all know the New Year is the perfect time for new beginnings and a chance to start over. I know you have heard the phrase New Year, New Me. It's become something of a joke in our culture. But what if we took it literally? What if we really did start over at the beginning of every year? 

You have all the tools you need to make this year amazing so let’s get after it. 

We can become whatever we choose to become with the right mindset and attitude. We are all capable of greatness, no matter what our circumstances may be.  

We can choose to be happy and successful. We can choose to be kinder than we've been in the past, more loving than we've ever been before. We can choose to listen rather than talk, learn rather than teach, give rather than take.