Motivational Moments with Maria

Does Shiny Object Syndrome Stifle You

Maria Bradfield

Do you suffer from shiny object syndrome? Don’t know what that is? Every high performer like you suffers from it or suffered from it at some point in their career. If you are a solopreneur or entrepreneur, this affects you even more. So, listen up. I am going to share with you why you need to avoid the shiny object syndrome and what it may actually cost you and your business to go chasing the next shiny object. First, let’s define the shiny object syndrome or SOS. Simply put, shiny object syndrome is a distraction of some sort that takes you off the task you were working on to chase another project or another gadget or the latest fad. It’s a disease my friends and if affects entrepreneurs and high performers like you because you crave new technology, new challenges, and new developments. You tend to be highly motivated and are not afraid to start a new project and create something cool. Listen in for some tips.