Motivational Moments with Maria

Traits of a Great Father

June 21, 2021 Maria Bradfield

Over 111 Countries celebrated Father’s Day to honor Dads. Where did this celebration of Fatherhood come from? A quick bit of history for you. The first Father's Day celebration originated and took place in the United States. It was on June 19, 1910. Sonora Dodd, the daughter of American Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart had requested the Spokane Ministerial Alliance observe June 5th, which was her father's birthday, to honor fatherhood. Her father had raised six children, as a single parent. Her deep sense of gratitude, and love propelled her to make this request. Finally, the Church agreed upon the third Sunday of June to commemorate. Following which, much later in 1966, President Lyndon B Johnson announced the third Sunday of June as Father's Day as he signed a presidential proclamation. Almost 62 years later Father's Day was declared as a national holiday by Richard Nixon who was the then President of the United States in 1972. Most recently, like last week, President Biden proclaimed June 20, 2021 as Father’s Day and directed the appropriate officials of the Government to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on this day.  His proclamation stated. “Let us remember our fathers, living and deceased, and give them the honor and gratitude they deserve.” What are the attributes of a great father? A father is not necessarily the one that provided the one ingredient necessary to bring you to life. He is the one that was there for you in the good and bad times. And then there are those men that step up to the plate and raise another father’s children. Yes, the step dad. As the quote by Ray states, “It takes a strong man to accept someone else’s children and step up to the plate another man left on the table.