Motivational Moments with Maria

What Channel Are you Transmitting

Maria Bradfield

Question of the week my friends. What frequency are you transmitting to the world? Just as we switch channels to listen to different radio stations, we have the ability to change our internal channels for the emotional set points that we transmit. When I was growing up, we listened to the radio and were limited in the number of channels available. We set the dial and then made minor adjustments to get a clearer signal so we wouldn’t have all that static. Unlike today’s hundreds of channels and satellite networks, we only had a few where we could actually tune in to the transmitted signal. Sometimes we would have to adjust the antenna so we could get the best signal and enjoy the music. If we were in a car, we had a limited number of stations available and if someone broke your outside antenna, you were shitake out of luck. When we tuned in to a station we loved and the station was transmitting a strong signal we were happy! If someone even got close to the knob to change the station, we slapped their hand away saying don’t touch it. Why did I give you this analogy? Because our lives are similar and we alone have the ability to control our emotional dials. We can dial into country, rap, classical, comedy, spiritual and so much more. In the same way that you now have access to hundreds if not thousands of different programs on your radio all types of life experiences, both wanted and unwanted, are available to each of us in every moment – because each one of us has access to the full range of emotions by dialing in.