Motivational Moments with Maria

Power of Alignment and Momentum

Maria Bradfield

This week I received a question from a listener and she asked…are you always this positive? The answer is NO. I have my share of disappointments, negative nellies, critics and what I call non-believers. However, what I have learned and continue to practice is staying in alignment with my life’s purpose. Once my internal alignment is on track, every action taken in the direction of my desired outcome results in positive, forward momentum. And Momentum is actually the principle behind Newton’s Law of Physics that states….an object in motion tends to stay in motion. What is momentum anyway….Momentum is the force of speed produced by anything that is in motion. It applies not only to physical objects such as a train building up speed as it rolls down the tracks or a huge boulder rolling down a hill but it also applies equally to the motion forward (or backward) of our most practiced thoughts, feelings, moods, habits and behaviors. So, this week’s question… you ever get off track and out of alignment? Does life throw you curve balls and cause you to give up? How do you get back in alignment and momentum?