Motivational Moments with Maria

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Maria Bradfield

I  really believe we all need someone cheering us on to be better each and every day and If I can encourage just one of you to be or do a little better then, I am one happy Wisdom Warrior. 
So here it comes my friends. The question of the week. 

Have you ever allowed self-doubt to sabotage you? 

Don’t worry you are not alone. Self-doubt can paralyze you and keep you from moving forward. Hey, I have been there my friends…on more than one occasion.

 I remember being exactly where you are now...Asking myself and wondering if I should take the leap into the unknown. I have been riddled with self-doubt on many occasions. 

It sounds like this… what if?

 The what ifs of the world will keep you stuck in the mud every time.