Motivational Moments with Maria

A Thanksgiving Message of Gratitude

November 22, 2021 Maria Bradfield

This weekly podcast is to help you stay more focused, and positive so YOU can experience more, fulfillment, fun and joy in all areas of your life. 

 Speaking of joy and fun, I just spent the weekend in San Diego at the only live 3-Day 60-mile Breast Cancer walk in the country.  The energy was incredible.  Everyone was so thrilled and excited to see each other after two years.  It was the biggest reunion I have ever been to. 

 The waves of pink starting in beautiful Del Mar were spectacular with the blue Pacific Ocean in the background.  The streets of San Diego were overflowing with thousands of spectators cheering the walkers and high fiving one another.  Needless to say, the full range of emotions were experienced by all.   

 As I turned a corner to see some familiar faces this Madam was overcome with tears of gratitude. Tears of gratitude that I am able to stand here before you and proudly wear the label of survivor.  You see over 25 years ago, at Thanksgiving, I was given my first diagnosis of breast cancer.  In those days, it was considered a death sentence.  Fortunately for me, and for those I love, including you, we caught it early enough and it was treatable. Then 9 years later when it returned, I was really scared.  Ten surgeries, radiation, a double mastectomy and guess what, I am still standing. 

 November is a very reflective month for me so if I am a little emotional this week, I hope you will indulge me. November causes me to look back at where I have been in my life, and how much love, light and appreciation for life I have.  

 Listen my friends, it’s Thanksgiving week here in the good old USA. I love this country and all that it offers so this week more than ever… 

 Don’t just count your blessings, share them.

 Share your blessings of love.