Motivational Moments with Maria

It's All About Determination

December 20, 2021 Maria Bradfield

Newton’s Law of Physics says that an object in motion stays in motion…..well the opposite is also true.  An object at rest, stays at rest.  When you stop it is sometimes very difficult to raise yourself up again. Sometimes you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with all you have to do.  I totally understand.  We have all been there. It feels better to do nothing or procrastinate. 

However, determined individuals like you, know that doing something, no matter how small, reactivates the mind and body and pushes you to take the next step. Listen in as I interview an 11 year old that understands the important of determination and shares her own insights to this important success factor. 

I saw this quote in Pure Happy Life yesterday and it sums it up.  

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.  Tip toe if you must, but take the step.”


GOAL – Is it important to you?

COMMITMENT – Are you truly committed.  You all know how I feel about this one. 

FOCUS – Stay focused on the goal.  

These 3 factors are a winning combination.  My hope is that you will revisit your intention for all your goals and ask yourself….HOW DETERMINED AM I?