Motivational Moments with Maria

Year End 2021 Thoughts On Change

Maria Bradfield

This past week I was finishing up some holiday greetings and while going through my contact list I suddenly realized how many people are no longer with us.  It hit me like a rock to the head and I did get a little melancholy.

We all have lost loved ones this past year and as I hit the delete contact button it was a defining and reflective moment.  We experience so much change when we lose someone we care about. I keep asking the universe for a few months of quiet solitude and yet it never comes.  Why?  Because we are continually being challenged and CHANGE is inevitable. It’s a constant. The sooner we embrace change, the stronger we become and the new lessons learned are so insightful.    It doesn’t matter if you are 20, 40, 60 or 80 years old, it’s necessary for us to keep growing and keep our mind open to change. As a wise man once told me, it’s all part of the program.  Because my friends, let’s face it, there will be people we will lose, there are people who will disappoint you, there will be vicious and spiteful people.  There will be people who are jealous of you.  There will be people who try and trip you up because they are unhappy with their own circumstances.  There are people who will blame you for their woes and want to play victim. They are stuck and you are not.  How do I know this? Because you believe in self- improvement and personal growth.

Question to you this week.  How do you handle these people or changes in your life?  Do you embrace change or do your resist it?

Join me for some insights on embracing change.