Motivational Moments with Maria

Make Your Dreams Come True in 2022

Maria Bradfield

It’s always my intent with this podcast to bring you something of value so you can experience more fulfillment, productivity and joy in all areas of your life. We, the human species all want the same thing... more aliveness, connection and meaningful pursuits in our lives. 

Draw yourself a triangle and put those words on each point of the triangle.  Then write your name in the middle of the triangle in big letters.  Underneath your name, put the words DREAMS and GROWTH.

My friends, here is the first question of the New Year.  What dreams do you want to see come true in 2022?  I know you have some. I do. I have dreams and aspirations just like you and there was a time when I first started my personal coaching business that I was afraid. I mean really afraid to make that leap of faith and believe in myself enough to pursue my dream of inspiring more people, motivating more people and pushing people to new to reach new levels of production, and personal growth.

 Yes, I could have been complacent and stayed in the same job making a good living but that wasn’t hitting the meaningful pursuit and aliveness buttons of my life.

 Have you had similar feelings? Have you had thoughts of depression or disappointment and not certain about what makes you happy?

 Well here is what I want to share with you about making your dreams come true in 2022.

 First, we must start each and every day with the intention of being the best person we can be. Who is that person and what does that person look like and feel like to you?

 I mean this is where you have to be very conscious of who you and what you dream about doing.  

Join me for some insights on making your dreams come true in 2022.