Motivational Moments with Maria

Be Believable to Be Heard

January 10, 2022 Maria Bradfield

Every week, yes, every week it is my intent to bring you something of value to boost your day, increase your productivity, or simply to put a smile on your face because I am committed to serving you.  

One of the reasons I am so committed is because when you win, I feel like I won. I may have helped create an environment for you, where you’re living your joy, you feel fulfilled, and you’re adequately compensated for the value you bring. That is important to me.  

I was speaking with a client last week and she said to me…you always come across as confident when you are speaking and teaching.   You come across as being knowledgeable, and the subject of credibility and believability came up.   

 Today, people may know me as being confident, poised and of course, the energy magnet.  But what you may not know is I have also dealt with self-doubt, fear, nervousness, and uncertainty about the future.   

 I was just as scared as you might be right now. My knees shook before every presentation or speech I had to give or course I had to teach.  

 Here are the thoughts that were going through my head. What if my client doesn’t like me? What if I cannot make the sale?  What will I do next?  What if they boo me off the stage when I give that presentation?  What if I don’t connect with the audience I am teaching?  What if they start yawning and leave the room?   

 So, as I grappled with these self-doubts and the drunk monkey scrambled around in my head to the point that it felt like marbles were controlling my every thought. 

 What I have learned over the years is you have got to be believed to be heard my friends. You have to make an emotional connection with your listener.  I took the necessary steps to read the books, attend the seminars, and practiced and practiced building the confidence, competence and connection skills necessary to survive and thrive in all areas of my life and every day,  I look at ways to improve my believability and performance meter.     

 My friends, to be believed we have to plug into the power of the FIRST Brain The first brain is the secret of believability, essential to effective and persuasive communication. The First Brain is the secret to attaining mastery of the direction of your personal and professional life.  It is the emotional brain. The first brain is real, it is physical, and it is so very powerful.  If you ignore it, neglect it or fail to realize and use its power, you will most likely fail to be heard.  Understand it and watch out world – you will have emotional connection with your clients, your audience, your friends, and your community.  

Join me for 9 tips on how to increase your believability.