Motivational Moments with Maria

Be Intentional

April 03, 2023 Maria Bradfield

Every week my hope is that I deliver some thoughts and ideas to  help you stay more focused, energetic, disciplined, inspired, and positive so YOU can experience more excitement, happiness and fulfillment in all areas of your life.  

Today we are going to take on the topic of intention.  It’s a word used by many high performers and in the personal development and space and there is a reason.  

Positive intention is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams. 

It's not about being positive in the sense of being happy all the time—it's about finding out what you want, and then asking for it, with intention. 

For example: imagine you're working on a project and having trouble getting it done. You could just keep working on it, but that might not be enough to get you where you want to go. You are stuck.  Try this: step away for a moment.  Then hover over your project and ask the project what it needs to get to completion. You may find out that what you really need are more resources or an opportunity to talk with someone who can help you get over an obstacle. Or try this, ask yourself what you want your project to look like when it's done. This simple act can help guide your decisions about how best to move forward with it. You might find that as soon as you ask yourself this question, all sorts of ideas come flooding in! 

Let's be intentional.