The Writing and Marketing Show

Self Care for Writers

Wendy H. Jones Episode 63

This weeks show is a little different as I look at the pandemic one user in and talk about caring for yourself as a writer. There is no doubt life has completely changed and many of us may be more stressed or worried than we realise. It's important to be kind to yourself and to look after yourself so I would urge you to listen to this weeks show, one which is important for every writer. 

Wendy Jones:

Hi, and welcome to the writing and Marketing Show brought to you by author Wendy H. Jones. This show does exactly what it says on the tin. It's jam packed with interviews, advice, hints, tips and news to help you with the business of writing. It's all wrapped up in one lively podcast. So it's time to get on with the show. And welcome to Episode 63 of the writing and Marketing Show with author, entrepreneur Wendy H. Jones. Now, this show today is going to be a little bit different, there's going to be no real introduction. It's a solo show, and it's completely unscripted today. And there's reasons for that. So I'm not going to be pushing anything, I'm not going to be talking about the different things I do. All I'm going to be talking about is self care for writers. And the reason I'm doing this is twofold. First of all, I will start by saying we're now a year in from the pandemic, as I record this on the 30th of March 2021. We have had the pandemic for the last year, that's covid 19 pandemic. So if you're listening to this in the future, you know, we all know what I'm talking about. It's been a very strange year, as everyone knows, we all started out a bit shocked, and a year ago, but we didn't know what was ahead of us. And it's probably a good thing. We didn't know what was ahead of us. I mean, on the whole I've been very chipper I've managed to keep keep things on an even keel. I've been working. I've just done what I've told I've been locked down, I've been locked out again, I've been locked down again, out again locked down again. And I've done exactly what I was told to do. But there's no getting around it that for us as writers, it has been an extremely strange year, things have been completely different to anything we've ever thought of. Now, as I say today, this is going to be an unscripted show. So forgive me if I ramble occasionally. But I am going to try and give my thoughts about why I think it's important that we look at self care for writers. First of all, the first thing that's happened in the last year for us as writers is our income. Most people incomes have dropped, bookshops have been shot, although people are reading more. It's been a lot from Amazon, it's been ebooks, we have lost so much in terms of the way we can actually go out and do book signings do events. All our income, such as that has disappeared, just disappeared overnight a year ago, and hasn't come back yet. We don't even know if the big events will come back this year. So we've all had to pivot. We're all doing different things. We're all working in different ways. And it's strange to us because we'd got used to life. As we know it, we'd got used to doing the same things. But we've had to rethink it. And although we've all done that, and we've all swivelled and pivoted and done different things, we cannot underestimate the amount of stress that that has caused, even though we don't think so. I think we do, we've more stressed than we realised in terms of what's been happening over the last year. I'm fairly even keel type of person. And I take most things on the chin. But even so it's hurt me it's hurt me in a different way. So I can imagine it's hurt you. We've also had an extreme lack of social interaction. And that really has had a big impact on how we how we are as human beings, we are used to social interaction, we want social interaction, and on the whole, we need it. And I like my own company. Don't get me wrong, but I love people. But I live on my own. And for the last year, I've been in the house on my own Now don't get me wrong, I've not been lonely. I've been lucky that I've been able to be in a bubble with other members of my family because I was on my own and because they had, you know, they are in a household that I have a lot to do with. But I don't underestimate the fact there may be many authors who have been stuck in doors who've been shielding, who maybe haven't seen many people in the last year, and the lack of touch also that has an impact on you. And we cannot underestimate what that has been like for a lot of people. And I think it's important to realise that, you know, this does have an impact on what we're doing, how we think and how we are as people As I say this, we're actually coming out of lockdown. And we're coming out of lockdown and our third lockdown. And things are hopefully moving on, and we will get to see more people. And as I speak people in England are able to see a few more people outdoors, we haven't quite got that far yet in Scotland were a bit slower. Wales of coming out of a very long lockdown, they're allowed to travel around Wales and see more people. So things are freeing up. And we've got had vaccines, I've had my first vaccine. Now this is not a debate about whether we should have the vaccines or not, I very firmly believe that we should but that's down to me, it's down to the individuals, I'm not telling you what to do. What I'm saying is that I've had my first vaccine, I will have my second one in May. But the vaccines, again, it's a bit of an issue for some people, some of us have had it, some haven't yet, although we're doing well. We're all looking forward to a time when perhaps the vaccines will give us a bit of freedom. But at the moment things in a lot of ways have not changed. We're still social distancing, we're still using masks, we're still pretty much locked down in Scotland. And things will be freeing up on Friday, and then Monday, we're getting a little bit more freedom. So that is something but again, it's been an unnatural way to live. And we're still not sure of what's going to happen in the future. So that is causing some anxiety for people as well. Now, one of the things that's happened in the last year, and this is for me, I've had six people die that I was either close to or I knew very well. And this has had a big impact. And five of them were actually younger than me. And it's a shock. It's a shock to the system. And this is why I decided that I wanted to do this today, I wanted to talk to you about caring for yourself and caring for others today. And as as writers and as people, because these people that I'm talking about these people that have died, they didn't realise that, you know, the relatives didn't realise it would never see them again. And it's just been, you know, you never know what's around the corner. And I'm not this is not focused on the people that have died, although I my heart sorry for their families and their friends, because it's it's a heartbreaking situation. What I'm saying is, it's maybe time to take stock, we need to take stock, because very often we get so focused on what we are doing as writers so focused on our work that we forget that we're People First we forget that life is fragile. And it's not all about work. People are extremely important. And that is something that we all need to remember. When you can spend time with them, spend time with them, hold them close and value them and treat them well. Let them know how much they mean to you. Because you never know if you without chance will be taken away from you. And I've discovered that this year. Let them know how much they mean to you. And even whether that's by phone, whether it's by zoom, or whether it's when you can meet up with them. Always let them know how much they mean to you. Because life is precious. It really is. And I want you to also look after yourself. I want to encourage you to look after yourself, because you don't know what's around the corner. So be good to yourself. It's not all about being a writer. Nobody goes to the grave thinking they wish they'd worked harder. I think it's time for us all to look at how we treat ourselves as well. Go for a walk. Enjoy yourself. If you're like going for a walk. Whatever the weather, go for a walk, treat yourself, well do a bit of exercise. Eat a nice meal. Now I know we can't go out and eat nice meals at the moment. But cook yourself a nice meal. Enjoy it, savour it, take time to enjoy it. Don't just bolt it down and get back to the writing. Look after yourself. Know that you're a person first and foremost. If you can do your hobbies at the moment, take time to do your hobbies. Read a book reading. And I'm not talking about reading a book that will help you with your writing. I'm talking about reading a book and savouring it as a reader, relaxing and looking after yourself. get enough rest. Yes, deadlines. Come on. I've been there. Trust me. I've been there guys. I know where you're coming from when you've been up to four or five in the morning to finish a book to hit a deadline. But remember, you're it's more than you're more than just a writer. To be nice to yourself. And this is so important because we're so good at running ourselves down. We're so good at telling ourselves that we're no good that we can't do it that we're imposters, you've got to be nice to yourself, say nice things to yourself. Tell yourself how much you matter. Tell yourself how much people care for you. Tell yourself how much you love yourself. And I'm not talking in an egotistic sense of way, I'm talking about the fact that tell yourself you matter, we all matter, you matter just as much as anyone else in this world. And you need to realise that, take a day off, guys, take a day off and just relax. I've had a day off today, because I had a bit of a shock yesterday. And I knew I just had to look after myself. And when you can spend time with people spend time with people that you care about, spend time with people that you enjoy being with, and just talk to them get to know them better, and let them know they matter. And they will respond in kind, pamper yourself, have a nice bath, have a glass of wine, or a nice cup of coffee or whatever your drink of choices, relax, and the taking the world around you. And I mean, really look at the world around you. We live in a beautiful world. So check that beauty in. See what the world is like the world is a fabulous place on the whole people are amazing. You know, and you can just see much so much beauty in the world and so much beauty in people. Now, you're probably thinking, Oh, will this make me a better writer? Will it make you a better writer? Probably. But it's not all about being a writer. It's not all about writing? Will it make you a better person? Definitely. If you look after yourself, and you care for yourself, not only will you be fitter, not only will you be less anxious, not only will you be less relaxed, but you will less relax more relaxed, should I say, but you will come over as nicer to the people you meet, you will come over as different. In all fairness, this will come out in your writing because this is a writing podcast. But that's not what it's about. Do it because you want to care for you. Will it make yourself feel better about yourself? I really hope so. I'm really hoping that this session today, however long it might be I'm not timing it. I'm not worrying about how long it is. I'm not worrying about anything. I just wanted to take time out to let every single one of you know that you you matter and you need to look after yourself. This has been a completely different podcast. It's not what I ever thought I would be doing. And it's meant to be a how to it's meant to be something that will help you. And I'm really hoping this will help you today. Even if it's in a different way. I thought it was important that I did it, especially one year in to our changed lives. And especially because of the people I know who have died this year. I wanted to do it for them. I wanted to do it for their family because I wanted them to know that they matter. And I want you to know that you matter. I know I've said that before in this podcast, but I mean it you matter. You matter to the people around you. You matter to your readers, you matter to yourself and you matter to your family, you matter to a lot of different people you matter to me, you matter to me, if you're listening to this, and I appreciate in value, the fact that you do listen to this every week, I appreciate and value you as a person, as a listener, as a reader, as a writer. And as an individual. You need to know that you're unique. You're special, and you're worth caring for and you're worth being loved. You're not just a writer, you're you take care of yourself. And I would urge you this week to take time out and do something that is just for you. Trust me, your writing will be there where after you do it and you and your writing will be all the better for it. I will return next week when we will have another guest and we will discuss another episode that will help you with your writing. But I wanted this episode to help you to help you to help you as a person All sorts of help you as a writer, but mostly to help you as a writer. Know You are special as I finish the show. That brings us to the end of another show. It was really good to have you on the show with me today. I'm Wendy h Jones. And you can find me at Wendy H You can also find me on Patreon where you can support me for as little as $3 a month which is less than the price of a tea or coffee. You go to forward slash Wendy h Jones. I'm also went h Jones on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Thank you for joining me today and I hope you found it both useful and interesting. Join me next week when I will have another cracking guest for you. Until then, have a good week and keep writing. Keep reading and keep learning