Autoish Podcast - Talking Automotive, Digital Marketing, Audio, Audiophile Gear, BMW's and More

Episode 10 Part 1 - Mike talks about how to Mod a BMW X1 35i or 335i by describing some of his previous builds

May 06, 2020 Autoish Podcast Season 1 Episode 10
Episode 10 Part 1 - Mike talks about how to Mod a BMW X1 35i or 335i by describing some of his previous builds
Autoish Podcast - Talking Automotive, Digital Marketing, Audio, Audiophile Gear, BMW's and More
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Autoish Podcast - Talking Automotive, Digital Marketing, Audio, Audiophile Gear, BMW's and More
Episode 10 Part 1 - Mike talks about how to Mod a BMW X1 35i or 335i by describing some of his previous builds
May 06, 2020 Season 1 Episode 10
Autoish Podcast

Pete asked Mike about his BMW E84 X1 35i one day and Mike was trying to explain what he had done to it. During this episode Mike tries to explain to Pete the steps in modifying a BMW, the modifications he chose to install and why. This episode ending up be Part 1 because Mike had made a lot of mods and Pete felt they needed to break the episode up to save some of the bigger mods for part 2. Listen in and learn how Mike build a sleeper X1 35i.

#autoish #autoishpodcast #bmwx135i #x135isleeper #bmwe84 #sleeperproject

Show Notes Transcript

Pete asked Mike about his BMW E84 X1 35i one day and Mike was trying to explain what he had done to it. During this episode Mike tries to explain to Pete the steps in modifying a BMW, the modifications he chose to install and why. This episode ending up be Part 1 because Mike had made a lot of mods and Pete felt they needed to break the episode up to save some of the bigger mods for part 2. Listen in and learn how Mike build a sleeper X1 35i.

#autoish #autoishpodcast #bmwx135i #x135isleeper #bmwe84 #sleeperproject

spk_1:   0:14
Welcome to the auto ish podcast with Mike and Pete. Hey, Mike. How are you?

spk_0:   0:21
I'm doing awesome, man. How are you, Pete?

spk_1:   0:23
I'm good. I'm hanging in. You know, just stay at home, washing my hands and, uh, watching lots of Netflix and social distancing. Yes, yes. Lots of social distancing. So before we

spk_0:   0:35
get into this what? Ah, what on Netflix? What's the what? What on Netflix is your hot thing right now.

spk_1:   0:43
Oh, gosh, It's embarrassing. I'm watching a show called Medical Police.

spk_0:   0:51
Medical Police. See, I haven't heard

spk_1:   0:53
of that yet. It is. Um, Did you ever see the Netflix movie or before that? I guess it was Comedy Central. Wet Hot American Summer. No, I did not. It's a very silly comedy. It's while this new show, medical police is written by the same people. It is silly. It is nonsensical. And it is Thebe perfect thing to watch and not have to think about you just laugh and say, this is so stupid. That's got under beaten. Um, All right, well, that's

spk_0:   1:29
similar in in that, um, you know, nonsensical. We watched Shits Creek. Yeah, which had five episodes, and I don't know if there's going to be another one. I didn't really pay much attention, but But we We watched the entire five seasons. Um, you know, Amy was into it before me, and then I kind of got sucked into it as time went on,

spk_1:   1:52
but it is pretty funny. Kind of silly funny, but But it has found our list. Yeah, that's on the list. Are our friends had told us that's a good one.

spk_0:   2:00
It is. It is. It's worth watching. Yeah.

spk_1:   2:02
Yeah, we have that on our list. We have, Ah, Ozark. And then, uh

spk_0:   2:07
oh, yeah, we're We're about halfway through season three of Ozark, so we're almost caught

spk_1:   2:13
up. You gotta watch it. And everyone's been talking about it. Definitely. Get into it. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. The other thing I've been into, I don't know if your, uh, been kind of It's all over Twitter right now. The Last Dance, which is a documentary about the 1998 Chicago Bulls.

spk_0:   2:31
No, I haven't heard of it.

spk_1:   2:32
Ah, if you you know we're into basketball at all in the late nineties, it's it's a very It's a very good documentary, and it's got me completely sucked in, and I'm constantly checking my Twitter feed for additional video and updates and interviews. It's great. Oh, cool. Yeah, it's good eso for today's episode where we teased it last time we're gonna get into, ah, some modifications and customers ations to a car of yours.

spk_0:   3:07
Yeah, yeah. Um, you and I are having a conversation one day, and I think I just went on a tangent about some of the stuff I had done to this particular car.

spk_1:   3:15
And I remember the exact I remember. Like when my brain just had to control the lead and start over, Uh, you had connected some computer chip or something. That's so I'm gonna describe to the engine out of the computer in the car. I don't know. And it's so

spk_0:   3:34
great that you don't the ad that none of this computes for you, man

spk_1:   3:40
in my head, this is how it worked. It was a computer chip that attached to your engine that allowed it to override the other computer, which put a limit on I think oxygen. I don't know. Um, yeah, well, we'll get into that. I

spk_0:   3:56
I'll explain a little better for the listeners that actually know something about cars.

spk_1:   4:00
Please, please do. Because after, like, literally you said something to that effect. And I was just like, um what, uh, free start, please.

spk_0:   4:10
So, yes, so do you. It was like the teacher and Charlie Brown.

spk_1:   4:13
Yes. Yeah, Yes, Exactly. Yeah, well,

spk_0:   4:17
that's that's what, Amy, here's when I start talking about the car stuff or what I've done to the car.

spk_1:   4:23
Yes, yes. So So tell us a little bit first. What's the car?

spk_0:   4:28
It's a ah BMW X 1 35 Um, and it is an E 84 chassis, which essentially is ah, is an E 91 with a three leader in line six cylinder turbocharged engine. So most of those X ones were made with four cylinders. There was a small number of a made with the twin power turbo Ah, three leader, six owner. But basically it was ah, a BMW 3 35 in a crossover chassis was kind of a small SUV. So it entered the market as our small SUV and as the X one

spk_1:   5:13
Nice. Um, and what year I had

spk_0:   5:17
two of them, actually, um, at it a 2000 and 15 It was the last year they made the car, and and the U. S market is one of the only markets that got this particular car, mostly other markets on. Lee got the four cylinder and then in Europe that a diesel. Um, so it was

spk_1:   5:32
kind of

spk_0:   5:33
a unique car, and like I said, they didn't make a whole lot of them. And in 2015 they had a really good center employee lease for all the employees. Um, it was one of those situations where four employees in the deal ship suddenly were driving x 1 35 eso This program came out and, you know, within a month's time, four people were driving X ones.

spk_1:   5:59
Nice. Awesome. And so before we even get into what you did to the car, I'm curious as to what made you want to make these modifications to it.

spk_0:   6:11
Um, well, you know, I have to go back a ways. Um, I had a number of cars that I used to race it English town. So, um, you know, drag cars, nothing really superfast by today's standards. But, you know, I've always had kind of racing in my in my blood and I had a A E 93 which is a BMW 3 35 convertible, was a hardtop convertible that was actually Amy's car, and I started doing little things to it and, you know, she take, I'd have the car for a few days and then she taken, Say, What did you do to my car? It seems faster. It's jumpy. Earth. You know what was going on? And I was actually taking the convertible to the racetrack on the weekends. Nice. So and, you know, once you get started with modifications like, that's really hard to stop, because you you do one thing and the car's a little faster, like, Oh, if I only did this next and then you do that, then you do. You know, it's It's like a drug you get, you get hooked on it and then you need a little more. And I needed a little more mm. And then, you know, down the rabbit

spk_1:   7:17
hole you go. So ah, it's It's a really cool hobby. It's a really cool thing to get into. Let's start with the first modification, even go, go be out. You could go before the X one that that's fine. The first modification that you made to a car for you were real excited where you first got that bit of adrenaline in that first that first hook.

spk_0:   7:41
All right, so the first, like really exciting modification, got lots of little ones over the years there, you know, maybe even some big ones, too. But, um, I'll stick in this this x one just so that it kind of follow. Everyone can follow along. But in the X one, the first modification was a tune. So and that's that's kind of what you were alluding to early on and in the X one and even the convertible. Prior to that, my first modification was was a piggyback that's called the J before it's made by burger tuning, and it's it's essentially 80 additional horsepower. Once you kind of get it dialed in a little bit. So it takes the car from ah from, ah, a stock 300 horsepower and it brings it to 3 80 which is a very significant increase in horsepower, and it kind of gets you bit and you, you tweak it and you change some things and you've got different maps in there, There's map. 1235 There's all these other maps, and certain maps require additional modifications before you can do them. So there's kind of like this, you know, it's it's that drug you're getting a little bit of, you know, you run map warning like, Oh, this is cool and, you know, maybe map ones 50 or 60 horsepower, and then then u u can only run map to if you've got a modified exhaust. So then, you know, I gotta have mapped to, So then you might fight here, exhaust. And then, you know, then you kind of you get sucked into it, But, um, so the tune is generally the first modification, and that's probably the most common first modification for most mods or moderate. Um, whether you what do you have? Ah, Volkswagen and Audi BMW. Generally, the first thing you're going to do is especially if it's turbo charged cars. You're gonna get a tune just to raise the boost, maybe change the timing a little bit, um, at some more fuel and just squeeze the more horsepower out of the engine. That zit, that's your first month. That's the first, you know, first

spk_1:   9:52
hit and this particular tune. So when I was talking about my random gibberish of computer chip attached to an engine, I actually I'm very curious. I don't even know where in the car on your X one was Was this tuned happening? Where was the physical location within the car.

spk_0:   10:14
All right, so, um, every car has a brain. You know, essentially this this primary computer, e see you, um, or a DME that controls you know, most of what's happening in the car and especially the engine management. So, um, so in this box, there's a waterproof box underneath the hood of most BMWs. Inside that box is a is a small box that you get. It's the J before itself. And that small box you squeeze into that waterproof housing and there's a harness that basically intercepts the signals to a bunch of the other sensors in the engine. So the, um, the fuel pressure sensor, the air Ah, the mass airflow sensor. Um, you know, you got a boost pressure sensor. So you basically plug this into that, and then you take the factory connections and you plug them into the other side of this so it it intercepts all those signals and allows the Carter. It basically raises the boost, and it controls timing and stuff like that. So and the J before is really cool, because you could you could change on the fly using the buttons on your steering wheel. You could enter like a programming mode on your steering wheel while you're driving and say, I want map to our on my map. Three. Um, and you can. It has control over the can bus, which means that you can change things that happen on the dash in the cluster. Um, you can have lights flash to say a it's it's your it's time to shift if you if you set a specific shift point. Um, there's just lots of little cool things. You could do it in the J before I think the the lure to go with that. There's plenty of other options out there. The lure to go with the J before for me was I had already had one in the convertible, so I was familiar with it, and it has a really good controller for methanol, and, um, I had a meth injection set up in the convertible. So I knew I was going to do that in the X one, which I did, Um, but I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit in the order of modifications, so but that's that's basically where it is. It's in the engine bay and there's a big wiring harness, and there's a loom that comes out that goes to different locations all around the engine.

spk_1:   12:39
Interesting. And so after you make that one the next Monceau, What take what took you from that 3 80 horsepower that we were kind of talking about 400? Or is that next jump? Even that much? I mean, I would imagine there's a limit to where you can really get to.

spk_0:   12:58
Ah, there's a limit in this particular platform. Um, and there's a There's a couple different things that that caused that, um and and we've hit it. So I kind of know I can speak from experience. There is, Ah, there's a spot where the transmission no longer enjoys the increased horsepower. Basically, that's probably the best way to put it, like yet the ah, the engine that that three leader in line six cylinder is very robust and takes a lot of abuse and take and take a lot of horsepower before we've We've seen any issues at all, but we do get these, um, these codes from the transmission. It sees too much torque, and it's protecting the transmission. It basically puts the car in limp mode. When we get, you know, pretty much at the limits of the of the transit, it shuts it down. And we we hadn't at least up until now. I don't have that car anymore, so I'm sure people have found ways around that. But But up until that time, we really hadn't. So that's where we we stopped it. And I say we because it was me and, um you know, Carmine also built the next one, and we basically had the same exact builds. But he went even further than I did. So I know where the limit is. Not not from my car, but from his.

spk_1:   14:22
That sounds like a good thing. Yeah.

spk_0:   14:24
Yeah, exactly. Um, So the next step was actually the exhaust, and, you know, like any good modification to a car, you need to get more air into the car or, um or more air into the engine, which can allow you to add more fuel, which obviously in turn produces more power. But you've also got to get it out through the exhaust. So you've gotta have less restriction on the exhaust or a larger exhaust. So that is your forcing more air and fuel in. You can get it out. So that that's really modification number two. I can't really talk about what that modification is. So Well, we'll just say that modification was number two. Well, we'll move on from there.

spk_1:   15:13
All right, Fair enough. Fair enough. So I guess like at this point, I wanna talk about the driving experience. Right. So we've made to modifications to the X one, Brent, um, and we're out on the road. What does it feel like as you're driving it And maybe more importantly, what does it feel like? Ah, to be really, you know, letting the let out, so to speak, when when it's out on the road. Well,

spk_0:   15:45
you know, by the time you get done with modification to you've added, let's say, at peak, maybe another 2030 horsepower, something like that. So now we're were in in a in a good scenario running E 85 maybe running a mix that this points not really heavily modified. So maybe you're running like an E 30 mix 30% ethanol just to get some more octane in the engine. And you know, you got another 2030 horsepower on top of that, so you probably come in around 400 look pretty, pretty conservatively around 400 horsepower. It's very noticeable on driving. You just added 30 plus percent horsepower to the car. It it becomes really noticeable that the turbo on the engine is maxing itself out. You can feel at this point the the boost curve. You can watch it because the one thing another nice thing about Jay before is you can log every single run automatically. You can say Hey, at 80% throttle and above, I want you to record in the J before exactly what's going on. Fuel pressure. Um, you know, you're a fr so you know what your air fuel ratio is. Your boost pressures your you know, there's just so much stuff. Your timing, you can you can check all these things so you start to notice. Or I did that that the car would come up, the boost would come up through the rpm's and you'd get to maybe 5000 rpm's and you'd be maxed out. Maybe 15 p. S. I Maybe you see a little bit more than out on stock turbo, but it would immediately drop off after that. And that's just because the turbo itself, at that point is limited in its ability to move more air. It just can't breathe anymore. It's not big enough. And the stock ps I on Ah 3 35 at that time frame was anywhere from 8 to 9 ps I in maximum pressure. So what you would see is that that they'd size the turbo so that it could easily do eight or nine p aside. Any rpm very flat, really nice, you know, even torque curve. But it was weak in the beginning. It had a very noticeable peak, and it was very weak at the end. So ah, larger turbo. It's got more mass moves. A whole lot more air takes longer to spool up, but it doesn't run out of breath at the top. So for everyday driving on the street, it didn't make sense to put a bigger turbo in the car for a streetcar. Ah ha.

spk_1:   18:24
See, I thought we were hinting at potentially upgrading the turbo as our as our next

spk_0:   18:28
mod. Not next, but it's coming.

spk_1:   18:31
Okay. All right. All right. So that's definitely coming. Yeah, so So hit me. What is the neck? You know, as somebody who really, as we've established in prior episodes, it wasn't really driving anything that was all that impressive. My Jeep Wagoneer maybe gets to 40 miles an hour. So, um, you know, this is this is very interesting for me. We should actually probably title this episode. You know, car modifications for beginners, you know, or introduction to 101 Something like that. Yeah,

spk_0:   19:05
we could definitely, Um by the time we're done, everyone's gonna have a decent primer on how to modify 3 35 Ah, an X 1 35 I, um you know, pretty much any car that had that 35 motor, and they're all they're all pretty much the same. But even before 35 some of those years, exactly the same

spk_1:   19:26
set up. There you go. Perfect. So next, mod up. What are

spk_0:   19:30
we doing? All right, So the next mod we've done Jay before, We're running a little bit of eat, nothing crazy. And we've got some exhaust modifications, which, like I said, we won't talk about, um, So the next thing is intake we've got to get, Like I was saying before, we got to get more air into the car, we want less restriction on the intake, Um, or, you know, the air coming into the car. So I installed a burger tuning and 55 nasty engine designation in this Carson end 55. So I put their, um, intake on the car, which opens up the air box. It's got a big, um, oval shaped cone filter on it. So there's more to filter surface, and it basically just let's more air in perfect. So after that, who will? So we're We're what? We're three now. Modification number three. Ah, yeah. Okay. They ever going to go on for a while?

spk_1:   20:29
Well, so let's talk horsepower now. So where are we at? In terms of horsepower overall?

spk_0:   20:35
Okay, so the intake is not really gonna add a whole lot of horsepower. Zits? It's negligible. Maybe it's five. Um, the, um the intake is really setting us up for future modifications. As we start building some of the stuff that I'm not talk about next it does. I I felt that a noticeable difference in throttle response. I noticed that it seemed to be a little snappier from the very start, and I think it's just cause there's more air Cape Mawr air loud in, um, But I think if you die node the car, I don't think you'd see a great deal of horse bar gained in like the peak areas. But from a seat of the pants feel the intake was noticeable from a snappy throttle response. Kind of, um, gain, I think. But like I said, it's setting us up for the you know what's coming next.

spk_1:   21:26
Got it. Um, so let's leave everybody in suspense for a second. Is the car at this point going English town?

spk_0:   21:36
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it's running,

spk_1:   21:38
okay. And, ah, what? What's the response when you bring this car out? What's the what are people talking to you about? And, you know, I've never been English down. So for those who haven't been, are you racing against someone else in time trials? How does that work out? Yeah.

spk_0:   21:54
Yeah, absolutely. It's It's a drag race track that, unfortunately, this track is closed. Um, but, um, yeah, it's a actually a world famous racetrack in English town, New Jersey. You know, for us, it was 1/2 hour from from the dealership that we could run down there. Um, and there's another one that we go to, which is still open its island Dragway Dragway. It's, um, north of the deal ship by about 1/2 hour. So, um, so we've got options now that English towns close, but yeah, I'm at this point, I'm running the car. Um, Carmine's also run in his car, and he's a bit ahead of me at this point. So he's he's running some pretty crazy times, and, you know, we're in the pits and people in there, you know, the the young kids in their Hondas air coming out, and they're like, What the hell, man like, what is that? You know, crazy looking SUVs that's just beat my ass like, what is going on? Um, and you know, they really are sleepers. No one sees that car and expects it to beat their ass. And yeah, um, you know, and I've got some kill stories, which I'll talk about later, After I after I finished all the model s. But some of the cars that we be or just it's just hilarious. And, you know, you're in this mom, you know, SUV that, You know, it looks like a like a station wagon on steroids, and it's crushing. Everybody's

spk_1:   23:19
this funny is how a Z nobody expects. Right? Right. I love it. I love it. Um, so let's get into it. The next modification up is

spk_0:   23:29
next. Modification is a charge pipe. Now that the charge by takes the air, um, and brings it into the actual intake. So the charge pipe comes from the ah front Mount Inter cooler. And it's going to take the air into the throttle body, which takes it into the actual engine in the combustion chamber. So on, um, the reason to to go, especially on this engine to go with an aftermarket charge pipe is there. They're solid aluminum and they're smooth. The factory charge pipe is made of plastic and it's ribbed, and it's got these ribs in it, so it it basically creates turbulence in it. It restricts the flow. It's not a smooth bringing the air into the engine were now increasing boost. So there's a lot more pressure and what ends up happening in the factory charge Kleypas. It actually blows apart. So when you start running 15 p s I orm or which we're going to start running more soon, yeah, that plastic charge pipe comes apart at the seams, and and it's the kind of thing that basically puts you on the side of the road. So we replace that next. You could probably do that when sooner? If you want. Actually, it's probably not a bad idea to do that one sooner. So the other advantage of the charge pipe is that they generally pretty much all of them and the one that we always hear that Iran and the one that most of us ran made by a company called V. R S F. And it comes with a meth bung built into it, which is a threaded inserts. A limited charges cold. It's called a meth bunk. So it's it's for a larger right, Yeah, so it's like a like a bung on a cask or something that you know It's, um, and it's threaded so you can screw a nozzle into it. That's basically what it's for. Got it. So later on, when we start spraying methanol into the intake, it's an easy way to do that without drilling holes in your stuff and tapping into it. So you've already got this for down the road when you decide to do something stupid like spraying methanol into your

spk_1:   25:39
engine through, this thing is going to get crazy.

spk_0:   25:45
Yeah, this this car gets a little crazy, man. Uh, so and I'll talk about methadone. We would get there, but basically it its most people run a water methanol, um, combination. And you can run the mix and and everybody plays around trying to find the right mix for their car. Um, but basically, if you run more water, it's going to cool the combustion. Which heat is our enemy in this? When you start running turbo charged cars, heat is your enemy. So if you can cool that combustion, you can run mawr timing. You can run more boost, and obviously, if you can do that, you can make more power. So, um, so methanol is on its way, but we're not there yet. So speaking of heat, so where we now with modifications of that five? I think

spk_1:   26:35
I think we're coming up on five.

spk_0:   26:36
OK. Ah, well, wait a second. We got tuned. Exhaust intake. Um, charge. Pipe. Okay. Yeah, we are. All right. So that the next modification is a front mount in a cooler. So when ah, when the air comes out of turbos So you got your intake which we've now modified the intakes feeding air into the turbo, The turbo is compressing the air. The more air that more we compress the air, the harder it becomes. I mean, this is just it's physics. I mean, we're compressing this air, and we're compressing it at let's say, 15 p. S. I we're going to get much higher than that, but so we're now creating a lot of heat. And also you've got all this heat in the turbo, and so the air is getting very hot, so hot air is counterproductive. And what we're trying to accomplish were were compressing the air. And now we're making a hot which becomes less dense so that we don't want that We want to keep the pressure but we also want to keep the density in the air as well. So now we run the air through a front mount inter cooler. So in the very front of the car it looks like a radiator, but it's Ah, it's an inter cooler. The air is running through this inter cooler out front, which has got, you know, fresh air from outside coming, passing through it, and it's cooling the charged air. So the factory in a cooler, I believe, is four inches thick, and that's not enough. I mean, it's actually the factory. Inter coolers. Terrible, even that slightly increased P s. I. It's just not well made for this. So you go with and what I went with was a ninja cooler by V rsf. But it's a seven inch racing inter cooler, so it's It's almost twice is is thick, but it's much taller, so there's significantly more rows of cooling. Yeah, and you're now you're forcing all this air through this much bigger surface out front. And if you ever look at, like one of those hot race hundreds with the front bumper office of this big giant, yeah, that's an inter cooler and They're just trying to cool that air as much as they can. Cooler it is the Mawr air you're actually forcing into the combustion chamber, and therefore, the more power we can make it. So that's number five. And that's a must. I mean that in some cases that maybe should be done sooner as well. I don't know. You know, these 1st 5 you can kind of interchange in tow how you do them, but they all need to be done,

spk_1:   29:23
right? So So these these basic steps, right? I would assume I know if I should just weren't basic, But these core steps in terms of modifying Yeah, that's a good

spk_0:   29:34
way to put it.

spk_1:   29:34
Yeah, they How much of this are you and and Carmine doing on your own? Um, and you know how How difficult are these things If you're a d i y? Or if your home and I don't know if you work on your cars your whole life Is this something you can pick up and kind of get in there and do?

spk_0:   29:58
Oh, yeah, Yeah. At this point, we're absolutely backyard. Um, got makin shade tree mechanic type stuff. Absolutely. School. Um and and so far, all these things we've done ourselves.

spk_1:   30:10
Yeah. You said shade tree mechanics. Yeah, I like that. Never. You

spk_0:   30:17
know, that's the guy. That's the guy in the backyard underneath the tree. So he's in the shade working on his car.

spk_1:   30:22
Yeah, that's my following off it. That's that's perfect. I'm learning a lot today. This is perfect. Yeah, Good.

spk_0:   30:29
But yes. Stance. Your class. A good question, actually. Um, yes. So far, we're talking about things that are that are fairly easy. Now, the exhaust modification. Maybe not so much, right. But I can't really talk about that. So

spk_1:   30:42
Yeah, it didn't happen. I don't know. Yeah, exactly. I don't know what you talking about. Yes. Um all right. So give us an update on where we estimated where we're at in terms of horsepower. After we add this, you said intake cooler.

spk_0:   30:58
Okay, you have front Mount inter cooler. So the front mount inter cooler is not really going to bring a lot of horsepower to the table. It is bringing horsepower to the table, but where it really stands out is on hot days and especially at the track. So, um, in a in a turbo car. And especially in this this end 55 engine heat soak is a is a killer. Um, they heat soak very quickly. The heat so really badly. Um, and with that little intercourse, you just you basically, as as the car continues as the engine continues to get hotter, um, the computer in the car will reduce. Timing will pull back timing and power on purpose and say, we're too hot. It's it's too hot the air. There's not enough air here for a five is a farce from Not correct. Um, and it'll pull timing, which just reduces power. So without this, when we're losing power, so it's not so much front Mountain cool is gonna gain a source power. Although it does, it's more about 1/4 mile run down the track. You don't lose any power in that runner. And if you didn't have this by the time we got halfway down the track, the car is going to start pulling back instruments to protect itself.

spk_1:   32:18
Right? It's not like the last two modifications weren't necessarily about speed, but about health of the car.

spk_0:   32:26
Yeah, I think that's accurate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know the the, um, the charge pipe. Definitely. Throttle response. Yes, it probably brought a little horsepower, but once again, like the intake, not a huge, you know, increase in horsepower. But, um, number one not going to put you on the side of the road because not gonna blow apart number two sets us up for our future mods with with methanol. Um, and yeah, number three. It does bring a little horsepower because it's it's smoother, it's bigger and bore. And it's not plastic with ridges. And so yeah, from front Mount. Yeah, it's gonna bring you some some horsepower on a hot day for sure. Yeah, just because it's going to allow you to run some or boost. And yes, it's definitely gonna help. And, you know, we're monitoring those, um, intake air attempts to a I tease. Um, you know, all the time and so is the J. Before, and so is the car. Just to make sure that those temperatures were not crazy with a really good front mount, you can run an A I t maybe 30 or 40 degrees above ambient temperature. So when it gets to 80 degrees outside and you know It's hot out. You've made 23 passes at the track. You hope that AI teas air only like 1 20 that's that's pretty good. I mean, you could you can continue to run like that. Nice. Yeah, yeah, on a stock. Intercooled. And I know this from experience. You can see 1 80 or 1 90 and the cars just it's a dog. Could feel it's just

spk_1:   33:58
got nothing. Yeah. So next up, what do we What are we going to dive into?

spk_0:   34:09
Um, yeah, Now it starts to get a little bit, At least on this particular build, it starts to get a little, um, expensive. So I think at this point, I have all the foundational stuff done on the X one. Um, you know, I've got a really good base for ah, for starting to build some power. So And there is one other modification I made to this car and that can be made to any, um 3 35 or x 1 35 with the six speed automatic. Um, and that's Ah, um, Al Pena. Be three transmission flash. So and this is really kind of an important mod and and I did do this a little bit sooner before all this. I just kind of remember this, but, um in especially at the track. So BMW in this time frame, had in Europe. Al Pena actually took a 3 35 and they made a B three, which was there There. High performance version of the three serves that that car did not come to the United States, but they took that transmission. It's the same transmission that's in this X one. And in the 3 35 in that time frame, they took that transmission and change the software in it to be sharper and have, you know, much less delay between shifts, which was also safer when you start adding power because there's not as much of a delay. Therefore, it's not slipping in between shifts. It's a little abrupt, and it can be a little aggressive. Um, it's not terrible on the street, but, um, it does hold more power and and certainly it's just a lot sportier on a lot more fun to drive. So Al Pena be three transmission flash. It's a TCU flash. It's done with a program called Win Kft. Um, you can get that on the Internet, you could download it. I don't recommend doing it in your driveway without being close to a dealership. Yes. Yeah, I've the first time I did this in my driveway at home, it was successful. Thea, the second time I did this happen to be at the dealership? Thankfully, because it rendered the car completely, um, useless. I mean, transmission is locked up, and so I recommend this this upgrade to anybody with that transmission. But don't do it in your driveway. Um, your first time, just in case So but definitely do it. Get it done by somebody that knows what they're doing. If you can't figure it out, you You know, you definitely You're taking a risk when you install that,

spk_1:   36:57
right? Right. Good advice. Good disclaimer. Eso before we get into the kind of more technical maybe some or expensive modifications, I think we should put a stop on that one. That's gonna be the 102 episode we have. We've covered our basics covered.

spk_0:   37:17
Oh, and oh, man, we're gonna tease him because now we're getting into the good stuff. Yeah, Now we're talking big turbos and methanol and stage two fuel pumps and Okay.

spk_1:   37:28
All right. So, yeah, that's the rest of the stuff.

spk_0:   37:31
Is getting a little is getting more fun. So it's

spk_1:   37:33
good idea. Well, yeah. And then a break. Yeah. And it allows the listeners, if you had questions from, you know, the this episode asked them, Leave them in the comments, you know, drop it, drop us an email. Uh,

spk_0:   37:47
yeah, yeah, Definitely. Dropping email.

spk_1:   37:49
Yeah. And that'll give us, um we're talking points for the next episode as well. We can dive into some or technical pieces. A swell. Um, I'm interested. My personal things. I'm very interested to see where we end up in terms of horsepower. I'm interested when we look at, like, acceleration, like, you know, and almost straight up, like before and after. Here's where we started in Here is where we ended up. Okay.

spk_0:   38:15
You know, I have, um, the logs from the that car that I have them saved. I've got 0 to 60 times. I've got quarter mile times from both my Draghi and some track runs and stuff like that. So, yeah, I can definitely do the comparison between stock and what the car ended

spk_1:   38:33
up at that kind of cool to be a little

spk_0:   38:36
They'll be good little ad at the end.

spk_1:   38:38
Yeah, I'm very curious to see where we end up. And then I'm even curious to, like, you know, and don't spoil it for me. Don't move a listers. Just I'm just excited to hear, Like, what was the one thing that you were most surprised about that added the most of the car, you know, at the end and all the different things that you did. Okay, I didn't know that it would really do this. You

spk_0:   39:00
want me to save that?

spk_1:   39:01
Save it. Okay. I'm teasing myself on this one. I I already know what it is, but I'm excited because I think in life just, you know, take taking stuff.

spk_0:   39:10
And the best part, we haven't gotten to it yet, so Yeah, well, ah, actually, there's two, like, really monumental things that happened to the car in terms of increased horsepower, which which will be in 102 because we haven't gotten to him yet.

spk_1:   39:25
Yeah, you know, it's just just in general, in life, if there's certain things, do get that you hear compared to something small in my life, right? Like you get a gift to get something, and you're like, Wow, this is cool. And then it surprises you with it being extremely useful or helpful or whatever it ISS. And when my wife and I got married, you know, you get all the gifts of the wedding and stuff, and one of the things that we got was a can opener. I was like, it was an as seen on TV candle. Oh, that's awesome, man. And I'm like

spk_0:   39:59
Like, it had the logo on the box and everything.

spk_1:   40:00
Yep. And I was like, Who got Is this like we don't need a camper? Like what? Well, let me tell you, it is the smoothest, nicest, easiest to open any can. Any sense, it is the best thing we got, right? So in life, there's always these little surprises that we didn't expect to be also, but they were. And I want to hear that the the unexpected surprise of the X one. So we'll save that for listeners. I'll also be surprised, but I don't know what the answer is, but but I'm curious to learn about that one. Cool. Cool.

spk_0:   40:33
Yeah. And, um, we can Ah, you know, on the website week. I've got some video. I've got some dino run type stuff and I've got video of the car running down the track. Maybe I've got some GoPro video going down the track.

spk_1:   40:46
Oh, hell, yeah. I got

spk_0:   40:47
some cool stuff we could we could put up on the website to if you know, people are interested for sure.

spk_1:   40:52
Yeah, absolutely. That sounds great. Eyes there. Anything else that you like to add before we wrap up for tonight?

spk_0:   40:57
No, man. You shut me down so

spk_1:   40:59
way we gotta leave him wanting more. All right? I was just getting into it. Well, I took

spk_0:   41:08
a little while to get up. T get going. And now you're all right. It's all good.

spk_1:   41:14
Thank you for listening to the auto ish podcast. Yeah, thanks. Everybody, like, subscribe Comment. Leave us a review,

spk_0:   41:23
drop us an email. Yeah, I leave a review. That would be

spk_1:   41:25
cool. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Thank you, everyone. Thanks for listening. Yeah, Thanks. Everybody