Frankly Speaking

Frankly Speaking 007 - Let's talk about Leadership at the club, district, and beyond with Dr. Carol Prahinski

Dr. Carol Prahinski Season 1 Episode 7

Carol joined Toastmasters to improve her speaking skills for her work as a college professor. She didn't see herself as a leader. It wasn't long before others saw her leadership skills. Carol was encouraged to step into leadership roles at her club, and then at the district.

Today, Dr. Carol Prahinski DTM is the International Director for Region 6 (which includes District 60) and she has received numerous awards, including being voted "Faculty Member with the greatest impact on student experience" by the graduating student body in 2018. What an incredible journey from her first days as a Toastmaster! 

In Episode 7, join Dawn Frail DTM, District 60 Director, as she speaks with Carol about her communication and leadership journey from the club to the district and far, far beyond!