Rescuing Churches with Stan Givens

On Doing Nothing

Stan & Josh Givens

Stan & Josh discuss the Local Church's tendency to slack off of ministry during and because of the COVID pandemic. This episode includes practical ideas and suggestions on how to reengage your community and avoid the "Do Nothing" mindset: 

  1. Find a few of the shut-ins, widows, and single moms in your neighborhoods and local communities and care for them. Bring them groceries, make phone calls for encouragement, take care of their lawns at no charge, etc. 
  2. Round up some folks who are willing to feed the homeless in your city, town, or your local community. 
  3. Pass out bottled water and Gospel tracts at local gas stations. 
  4. Visit your local jail and get to know the chaplain or sheriff's chaplain and ask to be put on the regular rotation so that you can encourage the inmates. 
  5. Stop by the local rehab centers and ask if you can meet with and regularly disciple some of the men or women in the programs with Scripture and prayers. 
  6. Stop by the local mom 'n pop business in your area (auto repair shops, boutiques, restaurants, etc.) and ask to meet the owners. Set up a time to come by during the week and pray for him/her and their business. 

Links mentioned in this episode:

On Shifting Into 2021 (with Karl Vaters)

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