Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Becoming the Millionaire Goddess with Franceska McCaughan

Deb Cummins Stellato

Franceska McCaughan built a powerful brand as the Hotel Florist.

 In 2020, like many of us, she faced having to redefine success. During that process, she learned how to decondition her worthiness around money.

In this episode of the Think Courageously Podcast, Franceska shares her story of personal transformation. We talk about her pivot which she defines as working in alignment with what your soul wants to do versus who you were told to be. 

We explore other topics including:

  • The concept of Human Design.
  • Investing in oneself and how scary that journey can be!
  • Intuition, empowerment and calling upon your higher self
  • Redefining what we measure

Finally, we discuss the concept of being radically responsible. A concept that resonates with me in the work that I do around building a leadership mindset. 

Franceska now specializes in supporting women seeking to reclaim their power by breaking the cycle of abuse, trauma and poverty via entrepreneurship, energetics and Human Design. She focuses on leading women to become their million dollar versions of themselves. 

Learn more about Franceska at: