Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

The Call to Courage with Dr. Evans

Deb Cummins Stellato Season 1 Episode 34

For Dr. Heather Evans, the work of Trauma found her. She describes it as a calling.

Human trafficking, labor trafficking and sex trafficking. In this episode, Heather shares her professional journey around courage as therapist working in the trauma space.

We explore the connection between the word courage and trauma. Trauma is an experience that creates powerlessness. Overwhelm. Trauma silences the voice of the survivor. Courage is moving forward in the face of fear.

As a therapist and founder of the nonprofit VAST, Heather shares her wisdom about how we can be ally’s for survivors. It’s all about relationships. To do this work we need to practice humility and have an understanding of power.

And the power of women in community for all of us. Whether it’s through a book club or women’s retreat, we can create opportunities to build sacred spaces sets and be free of judgement. “When we compare, we show up as inferior or superior. We have to guard ourselves against comparison”. We need to lead into vulnerability.

Heather’s next project is Voices of Survivors project. A photovoice  project that powerfully tells the stories of survivors through photography. You can find information about the project at

You can also learn more about VAST by visiting