Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Re-Writing My Story with Coach Kofi Williams

Kofi Williams Season 1 Episode 38

In honor of Black History Month and elevating Black  Women's Voices, I'm relaunching Coach Kofi Williams October podcast. Since October, Kofi and I have developed a very special relationship.

In January, Kofi joined The Think Good Company as the Client Success Coach. Together, we are having on-going courageous conversations about race and gender. And supporting each other as we build our businesses.

Kofi is on a help 10,000 Black women live empowered. 

In 2007,  she heard 10 words that shook her world and changed everything 

“When you change your thinking, you can change your life.”

In this episode, Kofi shares her powerful journey of self-discovery. From 30 years of clinical depression, being a teenage mom and being on her own and leaving home at the age of 16 to her career in the corporate world and...

Her 2020 Pivot. 

On May 25, when she saw George Floyd, murdered on national television, it changed everything for Kofi.  She clarified her vision.  And now, she proudly says that she boldly serves black women... helping them to find their vision, their value in their voice, so that they live more and suffer less.

We talk about suffering. And the two basic reasons that we suffer in life... because number one, we don't truly understand how life works. And number two, we don't truly understand who we are. We believe that we've been that person that's been conditioned by our family. 

Coach Kofi talks about her own way of protesting by helping black women to live empowered lives. And teaching them what an empowered life looks like. And by providing the opportunity for black women to release some of that old baggage and reframe their thoughts. And in essence, reframe their whole life experience.

We talk about the duality of life. the notion that you cannot have good without bad, up without down left without right. black without white and death without birth. which means there is no place called Happyland.

And of course, we talk about courage and the everyday decisions that we get to make and how we show up. 

Join us as we #thinkcourageously with #CoachKofiUnfiltered. 

Kofi Williams, CPC, ELI-MP, is a certified Empowerment & Leadership Coach and founder of the Next Chapter Academy, a transformative personal and professional development group
coaching experience for women of color who want the clarity, confidence, and power to
transform their lives from the inside out.  

Kofi is also a business strategist for small and emerging women-owned businesses helping them streamline, automate and build efficiencies.  As a coach, Energy of Attraction Master
Practitioner, transformational speaker, and digital course creator, Coach Kofi has helped
hundreds of women break through personal barriers and limitations, create a clear sense of
identity, and unleash their power to set and achieve goals beyond what they thought possible.

Kofi has 30 years of corporate administrative experience and is the mother of two adult sons and four grandchildren.  

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