Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Anxiety, Anger and Energy Management in 2020 with Deb Cummins Stellato

November 12, 2020 Deb Cummins Stellato Season 1 Episode 42

It's been some time since I've done a solo show. And I was feeling like we could all use a boost of positive energy. 

On today's episode, I'm talking about one of my favorite topics.. managing our own dynamic energy. 

Coronavirus. Crazy election season. Homeschooling. Disrupted holiday plans. Zoom fatigue. Our 2020 reality.

Anxious. Angry. Overwhelmed. Depressed. Disconnected. Overworked. Depleted. All words that any of us might use right now to describe our own energy.  How is all of this catabolic energy serving you right now? What can you do to shift your energy?

 Understanding and choosing how you want to show up... in spite of the circumstances is a game-changer. 

I introduce you to the 7 levels of energy.  And I share a bit about my own daily energy dynamic practice. 

You'll also get a sneak-peak into my 5 C strategies for combatting catabolic energy:

  • controlling what you can control
  • celebrating the small stuff
  • creating contemplation time
  • community engagement
  • and commitment to connections

Think about this show as a shot of Vitamin C for your spirit.