Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Choosing to Connect with Tal Mandelbaum

Tal Mandelbaum Season 2 Episode 9

We’re taking a journey into "Level 7" energy today with my special guest, Tal Mandelbaum. 

Tal is a social psychologist living in Israel. Her community, Choosing to Connect,  brings practical applications from social psychology and the Science of Connection (also known as The Wisdom of Kabbalah). 

In this episode, we explore what connection look like in the time of COVID. Our focus, exploring what we need to do collectively to rewire connection. Moving from an external focus to an internal consciousness. 

Our conversation ignites Level 7 energy by exploring spiritual topics including: 

  • The paradigm of loneliness and over connection.
  • How the world has forced us to expose ourselves and show up authentically. 
  • The role of empathy in building connection
  • The role of social networks in connection
  • How the rapid rate of change in technology since the start of the pandemic has affected how we show up at home, at work, and in life. 
  • What it means to be in community. And what it means to create the sacred space that allows for us to #thinkcourageously, 
  • Letting go of judgment
  • The role of nature in our ability to connect with the "big picture" and "big questions" in life

And as always we explore courage, success and pivots. And how to access internal power to create change.

 Learn more about Tal’s “Choosing to Connect Community” at