Think Courageously with Deb Cummins Stellato

Embrace Your Magnificence with Fabienne Fredrickson

Deb Cummins Stellato

On episode 72 of the Think Courageously Podcast, I talk with Fabienne Fredrickson. At the age of 8, her parents decided to divorce. By the age of 10, her mother moved her and her sister from Paris to the United States. 

At a young age, Fabienne struggled with low self- esteem, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. Abusive relationships, financial crisis, avoidance, and a denial of life were her story!

On this thrilling episode, we discuss:

-taking ownership instead of pointing outwards
-doing the hard inner work
-embracing the divine
-pushing the reset button
-refusing to settle

And most importantly: embracing your magnificence! Fabienne says,

"I want you to chase joy, chase fulfillment, chase authentic expression, chase love, chase gratitude, chase exultation!"

Today, Fabienne is the founder of BoldHeart where she mentors thousands of women business owners. Her goal is to help women fight self-doubt, find confidence and create a magnificent life they love! 

You can find out more about Fabienne at the links below: