Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

What's on Dr. Jones' Mind?

March 21, 2022 AABP

This episode of Have You Herd? is the audio recording of the closing presentation from the 5th Annual AABP Recent Graduate Conference  held Feb. 18-19 in New Orleans, La. The program committee charged Dr. Meredyth Jones to develop a final message to the attendees.  Jones starts her presentation by discussing a difficult time she had during an early stage of her career and how she was supported by the veterinary clinic owner who was also her father. She then asked her audience to participate in Slido polls. The results of the polls showed that 60% of those in attendance said that they came to the conference feeling run down. She also asked if attendees frequently worry that when they go into work, they will face something they cannot handle, and 58% of respondents replied yes. Jones then revealed to the audience that she contacted their employers to ask them how they felt about their recent graduate veterinarians and revealed those answers. Jones reminded the audience that “your value has nothing to do with how you feel.” She asked them “how would you carry yourself and conduct yourself if you knew you were profoundly impactful?” which was the theme of the conference. Her final message to the AABP recent graduate members, from the older members in the audience, was “we are proud of you!”  
