Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Dr. Marissa Hake - Authentic Advocacy in Action

AABP Episode 16

In this episode, Dr. Fred Gingrich talks with AABP member Dr. Marissa Hake about her advocacy for the veal industry and her experiences on social media. She discusses how to be safe on social media as well as giving recommendations for being authentic to show clients and the public the truth about food animal medicine and the food animal industry. She also discusses her experiences as a woman in both agriculture and veterinary medicine, and reveals she planned to be an equine veterinarian, but life takes us on a different path sometimes! Follow Dr. Hake on social media @calfvet and look for her merchandise by visiting https://bit.ly/3f4Hz80


 “If you are excited about something, let others know about it.” – Dr. Marissa Hake