Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Intranasal Vaccines with Dr. Chris Chase

August 31, 2020 AABP

In this episode, AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich discusses the use of intranasal vaccines with Dr. Chris Chase. This podcast was created by the AABP Committee on Pharmaceutical and Biologic Issues to educate our members on the history, proper use, and science of intranasal vaccines. Dr. Chase is a world-renowned immunology expert. We discuss the new single-tier vaccine labeling claim from USDA APHIS Center for Veterinary Biologicals. You can search for veterinary biologic’s product summaries at https://bit.ly/3gzShUE.  

Dr. Chase discusses the type of immune response from intranasal vaccines as well as providing some practical administration tips to improve efficacy. We discuss implementation of intranasal vaccines in cow-calf, dairy and feedlot operations as well as their potential use in disease outbreaks.  

Dr. Chase references two peer-reviewed publications:
· Cortese V., Woolums A., et. al – Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology Comparison of interferon and bovine herpesvirus-1-specific IgA levels in nasal secretions of dairy cattle administered an intranasal modified live viral vaccine prior to calving or on the day of calving

·  Walz P., Montgomery T., et. al – Journal of Dairy Science Comparison of reproductive performance of primiparous dairy cattle following revaccination with either modified-live or killed multivalent viral vaccines in early lactation” 

You can find out more information about Dr. Chase’s upcoming AABP presentation, Clinical Forum, and the Research Summary schedule by visiting http://louisville.aabp.org