Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Starting Calves Right - Colostrum, Colostrum Supplements, and Colostrum Replacement Products - Sponsored by SCCL


In this episode, Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by guests Dr. Travis White and Dr. Mike Nagorske from SCCL, a platinum level sponsor of the 53rd AABP Annual Conference. SCCL is committed to bovine health, specifically the health of dairy and beef calves. We discuss the importance of colostrum for the first, and additional, feedings and how to measure the effectiveness of passive transfer. The first meal the calf receives impacts lifelong productivity and has major influences on gut development from day one of the newborn calf’s life. We also discuss using colostrum products not only for prevention of disease, but also as a treatment for calf scours and its role in antimicrobial stewardship.


Please visit the SCCL virtual booth and in the exhibit hall in Louisville to find out more about the products they offer and about their company. AABP extends thanks to SCCL for their platinum sponsorship of our conference. 


We reference several publications and encourage our members to look to these resources for additional information:


Lombard J., et. al, J Dairy Sci., Consensus recommendation on calf and herd-level passive immunity in dairy calves in the United States


Chamorro M.F., et. al, J. Dairy Sci., Evaluation of the effects of colostrum replacer supplementation of the milk replacer ration on the occurrence of disease, antibiotic therapy, and performance of pre-weaned dairy calves


Guilloteau P., et. al, J. Phys. Pharm. Gastrointestinal tract and digestion in the young ruminant: ontogenesis, adaptations, consequences, and manipulations


Ballou M., Western Dairy Conference Proceedings, Nutrition influences the health of dairy calves


USDA NAHMS information can be found at https://bit.ly/2Fr4ZIQ.