Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Antimicrobial Use Data Collection and Reporting – Part 1


This episode is the first in a series of Have You Herd? podcasts discussing the publication in Zoonoses and Public Health published in November 2020. We are joined by Dr. Mike Apley to discuss this project that looked at possibilities of how we might collect antimicrobial use data. This project was a collaboration between the researchers, FDA and USDA. We discuss the nuances and pitfalls of the FDA sales and distribution data and how use data can be a valuable tool for monitoring antimicrobial stewardship, however there are nuances with various use reporting metrics. Dr. Apley describes that all use reporting metrics have nuances and flaws. Quantifying the disease events that result in antimicrobial use is important in an overall stewardship program. He discusses the Standardized Regimen format that was developed to describe antimicrobial use in this paper. 

You can find the publication at this link.  

The latest FDA Sales and Distribution report covering FY2019 is available at this link